
And all shall be well and All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flame are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.


Trepidation (trep′ə dās̸hən) noun 
tremulous or trembling movement; quaking; tremor 
fearful uncertainty, anxiety, etc.; apprehension
Origin: L trepidatio < trepidatus, pp. of trepidare, to tremble < trepidus, disturbed, alarmed < IE *trep-, to trip, tramp (< base *ter-, to tremble) > OE thrafian, to press
Coincidence (kō insə dəns) noun 
the fact or condition of coinciding 
an accidental and remarkable occurrence of events or ideas at the same time, suggesting but lacking a causal relationship  Origin: Fr < ML coincidentia 
Inadequate (in adi kwət)
not adequate; not sufficient; not equal to what is required
faith (fāt̸h) noun 
unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence  
unquestioning belief in God, religious tenets, etc.  
a religion or a system of religious beliefs  
anything believed  
complete trust, confidence, or reliance  
allegiance to some person or thing; loyalty
Origin: ME feith < OFr feid, fei < L fides, confidence, belief (in LL(Ec), the Christian religion) < fidere, to trust < IE base *bheidh-, to urge, be convinced > bide, Gr peithein, to persuade, L foedus, a compact

Freedom (frēdəm) noun 
the state or quality of being free; esp.,  
exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence  
exemption from arbitrary restrictions on a specified civil right; civil or political liberty: freedom of speech  
exemption or immunity from a specified obligation, discomfort, etc.: freedom from want  
exemption or release from imprisonment 
a being able to act, move, use, etc. without hindrance or restraint: to have the freedom of the house  
a being able of itself to choose or determine action freely: freedom of the will  
ease of movement or performance; facility  
a being free from the usual rules, patterns, etc.  
frankness or easiness of manner; sometimes, an excessive frankness or familiarity 
a right or privilege
Origin: ME fredom < OE freodom: see free & -dom
Respect (ri spekt) transitive verb
to feel or show honor or esteem for; hold in high regard
to consider or treat with deference or dutiful regard
to show consideration for; avoid intruding upon or interfering with
Admiration (ad′mə rās̸hən) noun
the act of admiring
the sense of wonder, delight, and pleased approval inspired by anything fine, skillful, beautiful, etc.
a thing or person inspiring such feelings

Breathe (brēt̸h)
to take (air) into the lungs and let it out again; inhale and exhale, esp. easily and naturally~to live

Golden, Mexico.

Little Gidding was written in 1942~