
Black Water

Well, I built me a raft and she's ready for floatin'
Ol' Mississippi she's callin my name
Catfish are jumpin
That paddle wheel thumpin
Black water keeps rollin on past just the same

Maresy Dotes

And Doesy Dotes,
And Little Lambsy Divy!
A Kiddly Divy Too,
Wouldn't You?


There are places on the Earth that one can go to clear one's soul. Everyone has their own sacred places, and if they are shared with another they are all the more beautiful. I am in such a place here, now, and sharing it with gentle, honest, happy ones. The woods here are endless, the lakes deep, the people kind. Floating with the current I can't help but notice that I feel so much lighter here. All the cares of years of worry and pain simply melt away. I am ever grateful to have such wonderful hearts to share this magical place with. This morning I will go out on the lake and watch the sunrise, there are no visibly higher mountains here so the first glimpse of the sun is when its rays touch your face. I will paddle out to get a better look at the eagles in their nest, such majestic creatures, there is nothing like seeing one soaring right above your head. Bear spotting in the afternoon, when I get off of the water. After that will be a visiting trip. Tomorrow Off to visit my lifelong friend who owns a fishing guide boat a couple of lakes down the road, go and catch a Musky or three. It is said that the lake has places where the depth has never been established. I may post this Sacred place and I may not, some things are best kept secret.

Closer To The Heart ~ Friend

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

Excerpt from the Messages from God Through Yaël Powell, Circle of Light November 24, 2002

 I came across this while looking up kinds of trees. Don't ask me how that led to this, but I found it interesting and it seems important, although I am not sure why. Any thoughts about it are welcome, I believe a book is being referred to~

“The impediments before your heart, any one of you, unravel like a skein of wool when the Love hits it, and unraveling, they do ‘replay’ themselves. They engage the projector, pull down the screen and play a movie in your mind. For, of course, this is what life in the ego really is – billions of unraveling ‘movies’ playing out the mind’s beliefs, over and over, as the light of My Love seeks entry.
“Yet you can know, you who now begin to come to the central point consciously, that the more you stay ‘out of your mind,’ the fewer ‘new movies’ you create, and soon (sooner than you think), there won’t be any ‘movie reels’ left to play.
“When you say, ‘Yes,’ to Love, you are saying that you are willing to dissolve those impediments. To let the light of My Love into the movie theatre. Thus, for you who see your lives becoming beauty, the reflection of your heart -- you can know that if suddenly you are ‘in the play’ again, it IS the clearing out of those things cluttering up the heart space, those things that ‘push the pendulum’ so that it swings away from the center point. Especially if you are choosing to accept the tools given [the above Meditation], then you can positively know this is the case, and that it won’t take long and you will be able to remain in the stillness of My Love, allowing Me to live every moment through you.”

My Hearth Is Clear


William Blake

I give you the end of a golden string;
Only wind it into a ball,
It will lead you in at Heaven’s gate,
Built in Jerusalem’s wall.

Teachers and Students All

Rula Mazigi Shin on the mind, and on being a teacher and/or a student; (reference to Eckhart Tolle).

"...Truth/WHAT IS alone can be the teacher. No one, however enlightened, can "teach" another how to SEE. One has to SEE for one's self, otherwise it's just another belief.

That's why Tolle's real message is his very presence. His words are just a guide to remind us to BE. But as for 'how', one can't transmit that kind of knowledge to another. No concept can reveal what lies outside the realm of concept. We are forced to be our own guides, our own student, our teacher being ever present all around us."


Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible — the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family. - Virginia Satir
Judge me not by my face;
it may be a mask.
Not by my words;
You have not heard all of them.

Not by my years;

You know not where they have taken me.

Not by my company;

The ties that bind us have many threads.

Not by my skin;

It is only a sheath that covers my flesh.

Not by my shoes;

You know not the roads I have walked.

Not by my weaknesses;

For my strengths may outweigh them.

Not by my appearance;

For wine spoils even in a golden chalice.

Judge me not unless you are above judgment, and then I will

throw myself down at your feet, for you will be the Lord.

copyright 1991

Thank U - Alanis Morissette (Lyrics)

Another Super Favorite

Donna Summer McArthur Park

Ahhhhhhh... yes...

Take Time To Make Time

Friendship is made of integrity, compassion, honesty, communication, time and presence, and love is made of friendship.

. . * ♥ * * •...♥*♫...ॐ. . * ♥ * * •...♥*♫...ॐ. . * ♥ * * •...♥*♫...ॐ

Osho copied me? Kewl!

Projecting Pigeons Perching

Great minds...
Point is just because it is a thing that the mind does is not a reason to succumb to it. Every time I want chocolate I don't go eat it, every time I feel elation I don't dance in the street, every time I feel fear I don't hide in the closet, every time I see an attractive guy I don't fantasize about him or ask him out, every time I feel anger I don't punch someone.

Every time my feelings change because I had a hard day, because I am tired, because I am happy, because I am annoyed, I don't make someone else pay the price for it. When I feel annoyed, it is ME causing the feeling, not the person I happen to be thinking about, or the person who happens to be in the room. Today I am in a good mood and have a great outlook, and so I see others in a positive light; tomorrow something may trigger a dark mood, (especially for those who have experienced pain in their lifetimes), and I may not see others so positively. I may even see them darkly, if my mood is dark enough. My perception has changed, not the person I am looking at. That is the point; I changed, not the other person, the other person is as beautiful as they were when I was in a good mood. It is MY VIEW that has changed, not them. One day I treat them well, because I feel good, the next day I treat them like crap, because I feel crappy, that's not fair and that's not how I want to be treated. And then expect them not to get upset or confused by my unpredictable behavior.

There was a beautiful feral cat in my neighborhood. Some days I was in a caring mood, and I fed the cat, talked to it, tried to get it to come to me. I watched as it moved regally and stealthily through the wilds of the neighborhood, muscles rippling, the sun filtering through its richly colored coat. Other days I was busy and overwhelmed, and not feeling so caring. On these days I still fed the cat, but I did not make a fuss over it, and I seemed to notice the scruffiness more and the gorgeous coat less. The thing is, no matter what mood I was in, the cat remained the same. It was a wild calico cat who did not trust humans. It was beautiful, and dangerous. Just because I was in a loving mood did not change the cat's feralness, and just because I was in a bad mood did not change the cat's beauty. My perception changed every day, but I still fed the cat. And I was aware that, even in my darkest moods, the cat was important to me. When I could not see its tiger-spirit, I knew it was because I was the one lacking that day.

If I change my behavior toward another every time my mood dictates, I am at the very least being a pain in the neck, at the worst downright abusive. And on top of that, do I expect the other to deal with my unpredictable behavior toward them with benevolent, god-like understanding, when I only show them whatever I feel like showing them from moment to moment? 

Being too tired to keep plans with someone is about me, not them. It's my responsibility as a normal courteous human being to call the person, tell them I am tired, and offer to make amends, or to change plans, like come over and watch a DVD instead of going hiking. If something better to do comes up and I already have plans with someone else, I don't stand the original person up, that would be arrogant and unseemly. (I might if I had some kind of agenda though, to show dominance, or act out underlying anger issues from my own past..) I would actually tell the person of the other thing to do, invite them, see if they want to change plans. The other person arranged their schedule to accommodate me. Their time is just as important as mine. To think otherwise is seriously misguided, seriously stuck-up. If I am changing plans, I am the one who is inconveniencing them , and if they express disappointment I am certainly not going to blame them, I just screwed up their plans! At the very LEAST I owe them an apology, even if the reason I had to change plans was because of some gigantic crisis that was beyond my control. My reason has no bearing on the fact that I changed their plans by changing mine. They could have done something else, with someone else, instead of having to readjust everything at the last minute AND feeling disappointment. It is common courtesy, and civil behavior, not noble heroics.
What is the point of understanding the way the mind works if there is no intent to do something with the information?
Human Nature is not an excuse. It is something every one of us has to struggle with, not one is above and beyond it. It is a thing that we all overcome in order to maintain civility. So if one wants other people to show courtesy, consideration, and understanding, they would do well to show it toward others first. I want to make other people's lives better for knowing me, not cause them unnecessary sadness.


To Tears With Drama Kings And Queens

Blow Off Masters And Mistresses

Rockstars And Divas

Macho Boys And Supermodel Girls

Supermodel Boys And Macho Girls

Oppositional Poseur Intellectuals

Anti-Racist Racists

Clueless Radicals

Religiously Fervent Frothing Anti-Religionists

Mighty Prophets Who Live On Ivory Mountaintops In Their Mind's Sky

Finger Pointers That Only Point Outward and Not Simultaneously Inward

Bored To Tears

If Someone Falls Help Them Up, Don't Stand There And Tell Them Why They Fell, Especially Since You Will Be Next. And You Can Hope That The One You Stood There Judging With Your Arms Folded Isn't The Only One Around To Help You Back Up.

When Someone Is Happy Be Happy For Them, With Them.
When Someone Says Something Or Writes Something, Listen, Read, Don't Automatically Oppose Them.
When Someone Is Kind Or Likes You, It Doesn't Mean That They Are Lesser Than You, But It Could Mean That They Are Kinder, Stronger, And More Understanding Than You.
When Someone Is Doing Something, Assume They CAN Do It And Can Do It Well, Don't LOOK For Them To "Need Your Help" (eye roll).
When Someone Asks For Help, Help Them, Don't Take Over As If You Are Some Kind Of Hero.
If Someone Is A Different Gender Than You, It Does Not Mean That They Don't "Get" What You "Get" (Get Over Yourself).
When Someone Asks You A Question, Just Answer The Question, Don't Give Them The History Of The World As If You Are A Great Sage And They Are An Idiot.
When Someone Loves You, You Are Lucky.

If You Are Taking This As A Personal Attack And You Feel Compelled To Defend Yourself,  
Note That Your Name Was Never Mentioned. You Are The One Identifying Yourself With This Statement.  This Is Directed At No One. But If You Feel Compelled To Identify Yourself As One Of The Above, By All Means You Are Welcome To Do So.

Please Have A Wonderful, Happy Day. Or Don't.

His Hearth Is Clear

Creatures of Fire, this charge I give
No evil in my presence live
No phantom, spook, nor spell may stay
About this place not night nor day
Hear my word addressed to thee...
This is my will, so mote it be.

495:5 Wm. Shakespeare Sonnet 116

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments.  Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error, and upon me prov’d,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov’d.


A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Aragorn.
Ú or le a ú or nin.


They give the pigeons a place to perch

“People who worship only themselves get a slick, polished look -- like monuments.”
~Vanna Bonta

Sooner or later they run out of admirers and are left alone with their glorious selves, wondering why their only friend is in the mirror. People grow weary of being continuously measured and found wanting, and then chased when they turn away, when the fickle one realizes they are losing someone they really do want in their lives. Call them back as if this time it will be different, this time there will be consistency and true blue. Fickleness is a symptom of many things, some of which are caused by past pain, but it is not a reflection of the reality of the other person. It is a lack of consistency within one's own mind, causing unnecessary pain to others. The woman is not beautiful one day and plain the next. It is not rational that she is clingy one day and funny, cool and interesting the next. That is projection from within one's own mind, changing perceptions and feelings triggered by all manner of things in the environment. We already know all this and we do it anyway because it is much work to change it, and getting away with it for years teaches one that there is no need to fix it. But the years go by and the chances get slimmer, and the people are fewer; and sometimes the one mistake is the one that would have made the difference between Alive and surviving. Time is shorter than we think.

in time of daffodils 
in time of daffodils(who know
the goal of living is to grow)
forgetting why,remember how

in time of lilacs who proclaim
the aim of waking is to dream,
remember so(forgetting seem)

in time of roses(who amaze
our now and here with paradise)
forgetting if,remember yes

in time of all sweet things beyond
whatever mind may comprehend,
remember seek(forgetting find)

and in a mystery to be
(when time from time shall set us free)
forgetting me,remember me

E.E. Cummings

Chronicle of the Paraclete

She is well loved
among the well loved,
among those who know how to love.

Timeless, ageless, she floats on the breeze,
exchanging smiles and cups of tea,
from new spirited morning
'til tranquil, easy, cozy sleep.

Her closet is full of lovelies and elegance
all soft next to the skin
and shoes to fit feet and essence;
shoes that dance;
when she chooses to wear them.

Her shelves are stacked handily with all manner of books
with secrets now free,
weavings in every language ever muttered.

Her quill sets poised on her secretaire, eager to edit
and rarely needing to.

Punctuation is ever optional, endings are no more
and so periods are moot

Her vision is clear as fine crystal,
her body is sound as God's first breath upon it,
as it ever was and ever will and ever always,
as are the ones who hold her beating heart

Her pantry is stocked with strength and pabulum,
bread and wine to share and pray
Spice for remembrance,
salt for constitution,
mead for covenant

Her name travels as starlight
with purest invocation from breath to breath
held in open palms gently and with aegis

Her children glide joyfully through field and forest,
desert and sea
with grace, with quarter

Her work is pulchritude and wonder, adventure, felicity,
that fills her coffers to overflow with gold unneeded,
to pass to the young,
to hire, to make merry,
to share, to free

Her love was, hither, will to be,
resonance and harmony
serene sanguine serosity,
euphonious efficacy
and susurrant affinity
emulsified with sanctity
efferent synchronicity,
ebullient fidelity

To wit, to laughter, breath and birth,
the key to open up the earth
she carries loosely in her mirth
while wending star to stone to sea,
a wink to turn and dance with thee



So came the opening of the eyes,
so comes the waking of the cornflower;
to here draws the point of singular destination
cinching space and time with one stitch.
There is no more to say,
for here is the Alpha and the Omega
no words fit between the darkening and the light,
and all words ever written or whispered;

There is no more to say.

M.Black 7/22/2010  11:00

dream of me - kirsten-dunst

Thank you Dear Miss Angel Girl for sending this :)

As Eddie Murphy says: "Heh, heh, heh..."

Link to funny story:    "Man Up"

Well done. And guys, read all the way to the end, if you can contain yourself, you are logical and objective, aren't you? ;)

King's X - The Big Picture (live)

She's got everything I need and more to live my
life Never ever thought to think of never survive
The circle has been broken it's always been this
way The Big Picture I wanna see I know you're
listening so let it be Golden Rules and Sunday
Schools It was my way A rock-n-roll, a spiritual
Give me any day, yeah The final chapter the
morning after blowing in the wind Taking away the
other day where time stands us still


Inspiration provided by Randall Ensley~

Hold On~ Yes

Shake - We shake so hard
How we laugh so loud
When we reach
We believe in eternity~

Yes I believe in eternity

Justice to the left of you
Justice to the right
Speak when you are spoken to
Don't pretend you're right
This life's not for living
It's for fighting and for war
No matter what the truth is
Hold on to what is yours

Jigsaw puzzle traitors

Set to spill the beans
Constitution screw up
Shattering the dreams
Blood flows in the desert
Dark citadels burning too
Watch! Look over your shoulder
This one is strictly for you

Hold on - Hold on

Wait maybe the answer's
Looking for you

Hold on - Hold on

Wait! Take you time
Think it through
Yes! I can make it through

Hold on - Hold on

Sunshine shine on through
Hold on - Hold on
Sunshine shine on you

See it through

Talk the simple smile

Such platonic eye
How they drown in incomplete capacity
Strangest of them all
When the feeling calls
How we drown in stylistic audacity
Charge the common ground
Round and round and round
We living in gravity

Shake - We shake so hard

How we laugh so loud
When we reach
We believe in eternity

I believe in eternity

Hold on - Hold on

Wait - Take your time Sunshine shine on through
See it through
Hold on - Hold on
Wait - Maybe a chance Sunshine shine on through
Is looking for you Sunshine shine on you


On two feet and ten toes she propels herself forward
balancing on the ground, counterbalanced on the Earth;
two eyes, two ears in Divine Proportion
to one heart brewing elixir of mourning and mirth.

The downtown matrons and the uptown maids
in ever their most appurtenant tackle
avert their chagrin to be caught with their countenance
showing; exposed with alleycat hackles.

With two hands and ten fingers she swings her arms
with elegant composure, to gain impulsion.
One nose and one mouth for a Golden Mean,
in the middle of her head, God's compulsion.

The uptown patriarchs and the downtown boys
in their ever most assimilated gear
dart their gaze back and toward, caught between
haughty assessment and private, disquieting fear.

With two lungs she breathes in the vaporous essence
from each of them as they stare like boorish children in the hedge;
Her flame burns hotter and brighter with every utterance,
her back grows stronger with each shove toward the ending's edge.

The sidewalk ends at the cobblestone road,
but her two legs continue forward without pause or slip;
she has been here before, she has been farther toward sundown
than what has been passed between fleering and lip.

She will keep on walking with or without them,
and with or without this loosened rhyme.
Her gait keeps its own clock,
her clock keeps its own meter,
her arrival will be right on time.

~M. Black

sui generis

"There is something that only you can do that the world needs."


Glorious day

In that open field

If you do not come too close,
if you do not come too close,
you can hear the music

Dawn points, and another day
Prepares for heat and silence.
Out at sea as the dawn wind
Wrinkles and slides. I am here
Or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning.

T.S. Eliot


Sometimes you have to moan, when nothing seems to suit ya,
nevertheless you know you're locked toward the future


Good Day Sunshine

Glorious day~


For open hearts, warm smiles, and honest souls.

Wolf Blues

Wolf Blues...
Just sayin'...


There is something I am missing;
something I have left behind, or forgotten, or lost;
perhaps it was taken.
Pray tell, if you know,
do not keep me in the dark here alone.
I am not the same, but I am still the same one,
the pieces that have fallen still fit.
This time with grace and humility,
and listening.

I'm doing the best I can.


On or in, this river that is not water,
 water that has no form,
 form that has no name.
On and in, there is no riverbed,
 No silty, weedy bottom on which to plant human feet,
 to ground the body against the flow
 that endlessly churns and roils in all directions at once.
There is no boat to ride upon,
 no place to store belongings.
 There is nothing here that is not you.
 There is no way to carry or to wear.

All that is not you is left where it lays.

This river that is not water that does not wet the skin,
carrying you naked as your first newborn incarnation
with ultimate speed and utter stillness.
You do not move your mouth to call out or even to whisper;
You have no breath here.
Silence a living thing, an aware entity,
heavier than the haze on Lower Lake the moment before dawn,
when the eagles rise from the island and spread their august wings.

In the dark hours you found the way here;
You have always known the way.
In the dark hours you left the world with the stinging ice days
and scraping loud beard bristle voices chastising whither and thou.
You turned on your heel as a lone dancer into the shadows, hidden
from the searching eyes and knitted burnt coffee brows,
and pointing needle nose fingers that groped and grabbed,
prodded and pulled at your sacred being.
They had no right, they had no right! They hadn’t any right.
In the dark hours you wept, and then you ceased weeping.
You followed the deep, red darkness of the roses;
Remembrance returned you here.

You have been here before,
Between worlds, in and on.
The weaving between is the fabric of the next;
To feel it, to touch it, to reweave the pattern
In order to bend the worlds.
To reshape the very form of all that has happened,
Or will happen.
Do not despair,
these words are no beacon to the unaware.
The hidden culvert will remain secret,
For only those who know where and how
to set their back, and place their feet, can find it.

On or in, to ride this river there is a price, you have always been paying it.
The weariness is beginning to toll; It is of the heart, and of the soul.
And the course is never set, the weaving is not precise,
For I am not the weaver, and you are not the river;
we are merely travelers.
What will happen,  dear fellow traveler, if you offer your hand?
Perhaps you will lead me back to shore;
To the beginning, where all is eternal and fresh born,
The place that has been searched for endlessly and left behind,
Where our children are welcome,
Where redemption waits quiet and sublime.

M. Black

Prayer for Protection

The Light of God surrounds me,
The Love of God enfolds me, 
The Power of God protects me,
The Presence of God watches over me, 
And wherever I am, God is.   

Myers Briggs Test

Took the Myers-Briggs personality test; turns out I'm an INFJ...

What this means to me is that I will never escape the pain inflicted by extroverted people; what it means to you? I wouldn't know.
Go take the test and see what you are, it's free.

Today's Profound Revelation

You know what? Chicken butt!


Four things support the world; the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valor of the brave. ~Muhammed

My Friend

Thank You Once Again, You Are A Beacon In The Deep Dark Night.

8 Cow Wife

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God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches you by means if opposites, so you will have two wings to fly, not one. ~ Rumi

Cape Ann

Posted on | October 24, 2007
Landscapes by T S Eliot
Cape Ann
O quick quick quick, quick hear the song-sparrow,
Swamp-sparrow, fox-sparrow, vesper-sparrow
At dawn and dusk. Follow the dance
Of goldfinch at noon. Leave to chance
The Blackburnian warbler, the shy one. Hail
With shrill whistle the note of the quail, the bob-white
Dodging the bay-bush. Follow the feet
Of the walker, the water-thrush. Follow the flight
Of the dancing arrow, the purple martin. Greet
In silence the bullbat. All are delectable. Sweet sweet sweet
But resign this land at the end, resign it
To its true owner, the tough one, the sea gull.
The palaver is finished.


"our imperfections are the soft places where compassion is transformed into love."


Apostles Creed

Look at all my trials and tribulations
Sinking in a gentle pool of wine
Don't disturb me now, I can see the answers
Til this evening is this morning, life is fine

You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.

City at night!

2 green lights in a row at the tolls, now that's good luck!

"If you want to help others, maybe you should look in your heart, and forgive yourself, first." ~ Daven

Prayer for Love

Thank you my friend.


Three of Disks - Works

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Where Art Thou? (How did you get here?)

Driving home last night,

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.
-- Irish Proverb

thinking about lifetimes I have lived

sur·ren·der - 1 a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand b : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another 2 a : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner b : to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence) intransitive senses : to give oneself up into the power of another : YIELD synonym see RELINQUISH 

and how people always think they know you, 

You’ve been walking the ocean’s edge, holding up your robes to keep them dry. You must dive naked under, and deeper under, a thousand times deeper!~ Rumi

but they forget they're looking out their own eyes~

To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go. ~Lao Tzu

seeing you through the glass

The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.
~Julia Cameron

of their own making~

They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.

that is scarred with years of resentments,

The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender.
~William Booth

fogged with past deep disappointment,

“Self-interest is but the survival of the animal in us. Humanity only begins for man with self-surrender.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

pitted with suspicion,

 I cannot always understand His way, but I am content in the realization that He knows what is best. That is surrender.~Daya Mata

scratched with guilt,

Nothing is needed on your part to be done. Only one thing: a deep trust and surrender. ~Osho

so even if these were the best of times,

Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away. ~ Cheap Trick

they wouldn't be able to see it, unless they looked through a fresh lens.

And let the past mistakes, including the ones you think are not known, be water gone, under the bridge. All is already known, and already forgiven. Let it go, let it leave, let it heal, I have. (No wait, you can't know~ except that I do know, I did. I needed to feel life, so I said nothing.) You are not alone in transgression; you walked in while I was screaming, I am accountable as well. It took all I had then, all that was in me, to go and meet you there. And then you crossed my boundaries, and then you acted like I crossed yours~ and then I was incensed. So the flames grow higher, and the fuel that burns is hidden by the glow of the fire itself, and all that is felt is the heat. To understand the intensity, the fuel must be known. ~Sometimes terrible storms are what were needed to cleanse the soul. For Farimir's Sake it doesn't matter, there is not enough time, let's just dance, and feel life, and celebrate magic... I truly believe in you~ lighten up! I wanna go camping and burn stuff! :)

She KNOWS it's a Multi Pass.

Disjointed, Directionless, Rebellious, Oppositional, Wanderer

Cluttered, sure, but that's okay for now, it looks like the inside of my head. There are times in one's life when, after prolonged exigency, one must simply surrender and let all things rest where they land.  

Truth be told I've never stood quite in this place before. Constant Change is getting monotonous, I am grateful for solid ground and predictability under my feet these days. I've been doing the Radical Acceptance thing for a very long time, its something that must be practiced regularly. But I find myself now seeking reliability in the things that keep one grounded. Not blind faith, nor letting go of truth, just somewhere soft and safe to lay my head.  


...would be a good reason to keep quiet, if I were built that way. You would also think it would quell my curiousity, but it does not. I have learned to live with Fear, it has been my companion throughout my whole life, and so I do not hear its warning shout sometimes. Its voice is like a mosquito in my ear. I tend to listen to it only when I shouldn't, perhaps because those are the times when the noise of real danger has receded. I am more comfortable in a room full of wild animals than at a concert or a poetry reading. Maybe I'll figure it out someday. Until then, keep watching, FYE~

Time for a Change

This page is slowly morphing, these posts are beginning to sound like another page I used to know. It might be time to open it back up for business, even if people have forgotten about it. Actually that might be a good thing :)

Just Say Good Bye,

There comes a time when you come to realize that you are invisible, that is when you cut your losses. There are people who see you in this world, people who you are real to, and those are the people who matter. Their hugs are firm around your back, their words are solid in your ear. Not the ones who don't even remember your dog's name because the whole time they were with you, they were thinking about someone else. They don't even see you as a Real Woman. Your hair isn't dark enough, you are not tall enough, you aren't enough of a bitch, you don't have a Romanesque profile, because you are Scotch-Irish, and you don't act like the Queen of Women (in other words you don't emulate the actresses on daytime soap operas on purpose). You don't cause intimidation. People confuse intimidation with respect, when someone is a cocky, snotty jerk to them, they feel bullied, and they think they are feeling respect. Feigning interest in you just to kill their own pain, build up their own self-esteem. No worries do they have for your well-being. They picked you because they wanted you for real, but they led you on after they couldn't let go of the other. What will happen? What always happens. You will haul ass, and he will blame you for the pretend-relationship failing, that way he doesn't have to own. Then after he realizes that he DID want you, he will call, but it will be too late, you will have moved to Nashville, or Florida, or maybe even California. And like the others, he will call you again, and then later again, and he will accidentally run into you somewhere, "you were the best, can we go for a drink" You will be gone, and you will be happy, without that ever-present feeling of not being seen as as much of a Woman as the taller, bitchier, arrogant, faux-earthy-brunette who thinks she is some kind of Mystic/Artist/Earth Goddess (too bad she doesn't know that a real Light Worker can not be arrogant or self-centered. Moron. Too bad he doesn't know that either.) You will be gone, and it will be too late. Even if it was meant to be. Fate may have brought you together, but after that it's all about real-time. All will be glorious, All will be well. For you. Hasn't there been enough darkness? It's time for light, time for laughter, time to let someone else's honesty shine on you for a change. Someone to have beer and pizza with,  share jokes and songs  with whenever the hell you feel like it. Someone who owns their issues and doesn't burn you with them! Calls you back, speaks, listens~ Someone who thinks you are as cool as you think they are...

Discussion Continued ~ My Thoughts On It

“No man or woman is worth your tears, but once you find one that is, they won't make you cry.”
~author unknown

So if I end up shedding tears than he's not worth.. my.. umm.. tears... wait..
I can't say I agree with that, actually I think that's nuts. If he's worth my tears, then his very smile would fill my heart enough to make me cry.
Listen to your own heart, that's the only place love exists, not in your head, not in your ego, not in your wallet, not in your fantasy, just in your heart. If they make you laugh and they make you cry, if you grin when you talk about them, or if you hear yourself telling other people details about them~ if you find yourself being annoyed at them for no valid reason~ they are already maybe in your heart.
Yes you can forever look for a prettier girl/boy, and you will ALWAYS find one. The second you find the "prettiest girl in the world", if you are looking at her without love, the pretty will fade as soon as your ego is satisfied, then you will go hunting again. The "Pretty" is about you, not them. They can't even see themselves for Pete's sake, they're looking OUT, not at themselves.
If you think of it regarding your friends whom you have no romantic inclination with, like your friends who are the same sex as you, there is no requirement for them to meet your physicality requirements. We don't dump friends because we found another friend who is "hotter" but that's because the connection is not about that. (Unless it is, then you might want to look up "Narcissism"...) We are not on the prowl for sexier friends, and we don't sneak around behind their backs to hang out with a new friend who has bigger breasts, bigger biceps, or a cooler bike, not since Junior High, I hope~ Nor are we always trying to find reasons to change their friendship status, whether we're going to continue this friendship or not based on whatever.
The beauty you see is a reflection of your own heart~ sometimes when we are with someone we find beautiful, we may begin to feel that ancient greyness creep in to our hearts; "it's only a matter of time until they hurt me. someone will come and take them away." Then the mind begins to weave fantasy the other way, looking for her to find other men attractive, looking for signs that she isn't sincere, then turning it around mentally until she's not worthy of you~ that way when your prediction comes true it won't hurt as much. You can separate your heart from hers by resenting her before you even have a reason to. Silent, subtle, slow twisting, to make "facts" fit feeling. Have you forgotten why you were excited to meet her in the first place? The mind can be a terrible thing... :) Remember the butterflies in your stomach, in your heart, there was a reason for them.
Love Light Peace


People of the earth can you hear me
Came a voice from the sky on that magical night
And in the colors of a thousand sunsets
They traveled to the world on a silvery light...


Apparently I've been missing out on a couple of integral pieces of the big Puzzle, one of which is Wasabi. There are those in my life much wiser than I, and I am lucky to know them, otherwise my diet would consist of pasta and pbj's with a side of Swedish pancakes

So for those poor, uninformed, uneducated souls I share this recently acquired bit of information, in case you didn't know...

"The burning sensations it can induce are short-lived compared to the effects of chili peppers, especially when water is used to remove the spicy flavor. The sensation is felt primarily in the nasal passage and can be quite painful, though it generally only lasts a few seconds." 
Yeahhh baby! That was eeeeexcellent...  ;)

The question now is: did we get the real thing, or was it a horseradish imposter? Guess I'll have to find out...

Elven Star

Mexico... Click the Star :)


If I cannot forgive myself for all the blunders
That I have made over the years,
Then how can I proceed?
How can I ever dream perfection-dreams?
Move, I must, forward.
Fly, I must, upward.
Dive, I must, inward,
To be once more
What I truly am
And shall forever remain.
- Sri Chinmoy