
Other People's Problems

Be careful of labeling what you don't understand, psychiatric diagnoses are not something to be trifled with. If a person goes to five psychiatrists he or she will get five different opinions. Psychiatry is a new field, science is just scratching the surface; anyone who thinks it's a hard science doesn't know what hard science means. Especially be careful of labeling someone else before you get a work-up done on yourself. The human brain is not a computer, yours included, even those whose IQs are way above average. Your perception of another person is completely colored by your own imperfect brain, your past experiences, your conditioning, your beliefs, even the TV shows you watched. Real psychiatric professionals (good ones) consult with others and do in-depth testing, and refer to research and studies, and consult again, when diagnosing someone, because they are aware that they are subject to their own faulty perceptions and prejudices. Your brain already has an agenda about what you want someone else to be, and if you are not aware of that fact, you will continue to see them as not living up to your personal expectations of them, and labeling them damaged or deficient. Go get yourself diagnosed, see if your own perception is causing you to see them as screwed up. You might the one who needs new glasses.