
Modern Romance

I have been giving serious consideration to romantic relationships recently. Is it really worth it, to be with someone who you become one with, only to experience their family drama, your family drama, their issues, your issues, plus the struggle with life in general? If the relationship you're in isn't one of utmost maturity and mutual support, and your partner is truly non-judgmental and honestly loves you, it is only another obstacle to deal with; one more person causing you doubt and pain. The love that we long for and hope for, the eternal bond with another soul, or your other half, just turns into contempt in this modern society. His friends get jealous of you and they tell him that he's whipped so he'll feel ashamed of wanting to be with you, then he blows you off for his "friends", then you feel betrayed and abandoned, then his friends call you psycho when you express your anger about it, then your friends call him a jerk, and then both sets of friends try to set each of you up with another person just to blow your relationship apart, and the kids suffer through the whole thing. Or other women try to get his attention and he falls for it, and when you feel betrayed he treats you like you're the one who did something wrong. Or he simply gets off on checking out women as if they weren't people but things to use for his entertainment, and you should just "deal with it cuz that's how guys are"... (Intense eye-roll). If that's how guys are I don't want one; I don't have a ferret because they can't control their odor glands, that's how they are. Funny how the ones who insist on male superiority are also the ones who insist that they can't help their inferior behavior. Females who are like that are the same way. Monkeys and more monkeys; monkeys can't handle relationships, they can't even be courteous to strangers for five seconds in a store, they don't respect each other, and they don't understand the sanctity of fidelity. Sad, but completely true. It's nearly impossible to find a non-monkey to pair-bond with in this sleazy, contemptuous excuse for a society. I am glad to know some non-monkeys, but they are few and far between. Good night and good luck with that whole relationship thing.