

I am sorry I turned off "comments", but your emails are getting through just fine!


I'm glad that summer is here;
Liberty, Freedom, parties to celebrate the temperature; old friends, new friends, old music, new music,
people who are a pain in the ass and the grandest people on the planet, all at the same party; bonfires, boats, fish, mostly nude men, a million ways to forget the jerks who caused pain the rest of the year! No room for game players, no room for the timid! Time to let them all go, w00t! Pahtay my dark and light elf friends, my Wizard and Warrior comrades! (bows) (casts a spell) Gather ye wands and stow your Mana, pack the rucksacks, shine ye weapons~ Time to be taken by the season! Time to shed those who prey on your good nature, time to set boundaries and celebrate our own beautiful worth!