

There are places on the Earth that one can go to clear one's soul. Everyone has their own sacred places, and if they are shared with another they are all the more beautiful. I am in such a place here, now, and sharing it with gentle, honest, happy ones. The woods here are endless, the lakes deep, the people kind. Floating with the current I can't help but notice that I feel so much lighter here. All the cares of years of worry and pain simply melt away. I am ever grateful to have such wonderful hearts to share this magical place with. This morning I will go out on the lake and watch the sunrise, there are no visibly higher mountains here so the first glimpse of the sun is when its rays touch your face. I will paddle out to get a better look at the eagles in their nest, such majestic creatures, there is nothing like seeing one soaring right above your head. Bear spotting in the afternoon, when I get off of the water. After that will be a visiting trip. Tomorrow Off to visit my lifelong friend who owns a fishing guide boat a couple of lakes down the road, go and catch a Musky or three. It is said that the lake has places where the depth has never been established. I may post this Sacred place and I may not, some things are best kept secret.