

Frustration follows those with expectations. Seek enlightenment and true love not just in ivory towers and temples where those who gather have been blessed with a life of university, supportive friends and family, healthy food and worldly success. Instead seek it where you do not expect, in the faces of those you happen to meet, those who have lived in the trenches of life, who have scars on them, who dig in the dirt, who feel your pain, who cry for others. Look for the signs, believe your spirit. Seek it in those who have walked through hellfire alone and still have love in their eyes, wonder in their hearts and laughter in their souls.


Running down the avenue
Or down the dirt and gravel road,
Or up the rutted drive way;
the earth beneath your feet turning.

Speeding like a cannonball,
a short magnum bullet,
a cruise missile,
the sun above your head burning.

Soaring like a Red-tailed Hawk,
a Golden Eagle,
a Peregrine Falcon;
the troposphere through your wings blowing.

Diving like an Orca,
a Barracuda,
a Sailfish;
the sea across your skin flowing.    

Screaming like a Bugatti,
the Maglev train,
an X-15;
the sound around your crown breaking.

Go fast, and faster still, tender legs aching.

Go fast, go quickly.
On your way, out of sight,
out of the brightness of today,
sprinting,charging, into night.

And yet you are still here;
And yes, it is still now.
Whatever path you take, you are still here.
However fast you run,
however fast you fly,
it is still now.



The Very Sun

Shines more brightly when someone believes in you.

She's So~
