
Sneakin out the back door~

What's the difference between Duality and Dichotomy, besides that they both begin with "D"? Wait, that would be a similarity, like a pair of shoes that one would wear if they fit. Not that I would notice someone wearing two different shoes.

Pow Wow

Coming back from a Native Pow Wow in Pennsylvania, what a beautiful day with my cousins Adam and Joyce, and company, and puppy dog. Lovely authentic Native regalia worn by the participants; continuous ritual demonstrations, and at the end three Screech Owls were released by a rehabilitator into the wild. More details and pics later, for now I am feeling blessed to have shared such a spiritual experience with people close to my heart.

What ~ what ~

After trying on a zillion silly bathing suits and not finding a single one that I like, or that is made for a human, I have given up. The only place I am going to find one I like is inside my storage unit. Buried. I have also come to the conclusion, after being subjected to three way mirrors for way too long, that I am no longer 15. How does this happen? I was 15 just yesterday~ not sure how to handle this whole linear time thing...


Fabulous! to see more excellent people today, along with excellent junior people; sharing their company is such a blessing. The weather was pure perfection for it, too. And now that they have gone home (long drive), we get to finish off the food! W00t!