

"When you meet someone who has lost everything, remember that it means they had the courage to risk everything."

Why does God permit evil?

This looks like an interesting read~

Why does God permit evil?

The book is farther down on the page ^

Choices? Meanings, names~

"Grace works most effectively through precisely the kinds of choices that take the most courage but perhaps makes the least sense, because these are the choices that demand the most of your soul." ~Caroline Myss
Marianne means: "Grace" and "Star of the sea
Thomas means: "Twin

Music Lady

Great open mic at the Music Lady last night, I enjoyed singing with y'all, hope to do it again soon!

Stay, Summer, Stay~

How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees. 
~William Shakespeare 

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

We all end up back at the starting line, so why is a raven like a writing desk?