
Walking Into The Sun

Either I will be filled with exultation or I will be burned to a cinder; either way it is my own. Leave me be unless you are interested in actually being a real friend to me. You think you can know me without even knowing where I have been or what I have seen; you think you can know me by your own judgment; who or what do you think you are? I am vast as the universe. Like you. For you to be able to know me, judge me, you would have to first know every cell of my body, every moment of my life from conception to this moment, every facet of my soul and my destiny~ and then you would have to be able to factor all of it together as a gigantic equation, and an epic saga. The human mind can barely grasp a short novel to make a short report on it for school, how is it that you think that same mind can grasp and summarize a human being?