

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor
imagination nor both together go to the
making of genius. Love, love, love, that is
the soul of genius.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

You Shall Also~

Listen to the words of those who have lived before you;
but do not believe every syllable, for they were not gods;
weigh them on the scale of truth.
Know that life is truly as precious as you believe it is.
Walk with a straight back and solid steps.
Treat every woman with the honesty, honor, respect, kindness and integrity
as you would want shown to your own daughter,
and to your father,
and to yourself.
Give every woman the truth, and only honest women will remain,
and your love will be pure, and your sleep will be peaceful. 
Treat every man with the honesty, honor, respect, kindness and integrity
as you would want shown to your own son,
and to your mother,
and to yourself.
Give every man the truth, and only honest men will remain,
and your love will be pure, and your sleep will be peaceful.
Show every person the respect you show the person you admire most,
not according to your personal assessment of them.
What they do after that is up to them.
Recognize that every person is just as alive and real as you.
Recognize that you are just as alive and real as every other person.
Breathe this precious air, drink this precious water,
taste this precious fruit, walk on this precious Earth,
feel your precious heart in your chest.
Think of the precious heart in those who you care for.
Let your small actions contribute to the betterment of life,
not to degradation.
Laugh loud and often.
Love with gratitude and honor.
Seek humility to find peace.

~M. Black