
Bullies, Cliff Notes

If you want to learn about the dynamics of bullying, all you need to do is read internet threads. Look how such a huge number of people have no qualms about speaking to others in an incredibly disrespectful, arrogant way. That's what is really inside them. So where are all these people in real life? They're right in front of you. If you're a man, they'll edit themselves more. If you're a tall man,... or if you appear strong or tough,or powerful to them, they'll act as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouth. You may never see it, or only catch glimpses. If you're a tall, strong, powerful man who has shown a hint of kindness and integrity, you are now on the hit list, because the fear factor has been lowered. You will probably not hit back, or at least not hard enough to cause real damage. Bullies align themselves with whoever they think has power, and try to lord over whoever they think they can get away with without getting caught, or getting serious consequences. That's why they always go after the kid or person who seems to have few friends, or who is alone, or who looks small or weak. It's an animal urge, it has nothing to do with logic, IQ, or experience.
If you are a small person who gets a lot of disrespect, here's an experiment for you; walk around in the places where people treat you with disrespect with some kind of large tool, like a sawzall, or a hammer drill, something that looks powerful and heavy, but carry it nonchalantly like it's part of your regular day to day routine. And watch the difference. Watch closely, sometimes it's subtle, but you will probably get a kick out of it. 
Peace out, and Keep Your Eye On The Golden