
For The Grace Of God

"Judging" isn't done by whoever is innocent or righteous. It is done by whoever feels like judging. And whatever they use to judge about is interchangeable, pretty much anything at all can be used. Was your dress too long, too short, too striped, too loose, too tight, too cheap, too expensive... was your hair too messy, too neat, too coiffed... was your suit too big, too small, too cheap, too expensive, too dark, too shiny, too old, too tailored... your teeth are too dirty, too white, too crooked, too perfect... your bank account is too big, too small... your car is too crappy, too expensive, too old, too nice... your beliefs are too religious, not religious enough... your job, your spouse, your kids, your house, your pets, your shoes, your wallet, your purse, your skin is too black, too white... too fat, too skinny...  too short, too tall...  too punk, too retro, too hippy, too metal, too conservative... too masculine, too feminine, too androgynous... too Left, too Right... too ambitious, too dreamy... too academic, too jock... too conforming, too rebellious... too young, too old...  
 It's all the SAME. Judgment is judgment, no matter who, what, or why.