
Puzzle Me This, Charlie Brown:

So... psychology professionals overwhelmingly state that most people who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder are men. The last number I read was 75% of Narcs are male. Then... why is it that if you look for studies and literature on Narc. Fathers, you find vague references to Narc. Parents, but reams of information about Narc. Mothers? They even have names for the different personality profiles.
Hmmm... 75% of Narcs are males... but we don't like to write about the damage they inflict on their kids, only the damage they inflict on their partners... but we really enjoy focusing on the damage that Narc. Mothers inflict on their kids...  But only 25% of Narcs are female, and as stated in psych. literature only 1% of the population has NPD.
So... How come the numbers don't make sense, Charlie Brown?