
Top 50 Idiot Sexist Political Quotes

The thing that freaks me out the most about this list is the fact that I actually used to believe that human beings who had grown to adulthood did not do this anymore. Interesting how everyone just sweeps it under the rug, like "it's just the way things are". Really? Let's see what happens if that amount of racial slurring spewed out of these mouths and out of their keyboards. What would happen then? And how exactly did people learn so well to control THAT, but seem to have a terribly hard time controlling this vomit? Oh... right... that would be MONKEY GROUP BEHAVIOR. Only stop doing something bad if I'm gonna get in TROUBLE FOR IT. And only if that trouble doesn't come with a reward attached to balance it out. FEAR OF CONSEQUENCES, MONKEYS. If it is horribly wrong to make racist references because it's disparaging... then... wha??? Huh?? What do you mean, Marianne? Women are SUPPOSED to be treated like shit! It's the way of the world!!! We can't help it!!! We're not perfect! Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Where's my BINKY???!!! Oh, but wait let me STRAIGHTEN MY TIE SO I CAN RUN THE WORLD.

 To be sure, there are people on this list who are entertainment personalities, who create stir on purpose. THEY are "allowed" to spew stupid crap, just like any other entertainer. The people on this list who HOLD OFFICE ARE RESPONSIBLE for the crap they spew, COMPLETELY. They are not creating "art" or providing a topic of conversation or stir. They are ELECTED OFFICIALS. The difference is absolutely HUGE.