
Control Issues

People who like to stay in control will often change the subject of the conversations frequently. Whether they bring up a topic or not, they will change it the moment they feel that they are not in control of the direction of the discussion. Them: "The lady across the street has a cocker spaniel. Those dogs are yappy and can be vicious." You: "Oh yes, I've seen it. It's a nice dog, she came up to... me and let me pet her head~" Them: "I need to clean the refrigerator. You'll be here to help me, won't you~" (Regaining control of the conversation by diverting the subject, because their opinion was being shown not to prove true~ and regaining control of YOU by volunteering you to help with their work. A controlling person does not ask for help, they demand it from whomever they want to keep control over, regardless of the other person's schedule.) <<(Just to be clear, that is not the same as a parent requiring a child to do chores. Children being assigned tasks in the home is a normal and healthy part of family raising, especially when it is done in a scheduled preplanned, and pleasant way, or when it is used as a punishment for actual misbehavior.)