
Narcissistic Conditioning

Narcissistic people condition their targets to believe that they don't "fit in" with the rest of the population, that they aren't good enough to be accepted by "normal" people. Once this conditioning takes hold in the mind of the target, once they start to believe that they are not entitled to feel like a real and valued member of the local community, family, or global community, they then respond to Bully Tactics from outside sources. The kid who is bulled and dismissed at home is also the target of abuse by the bullies on the outside. This has a domino effect, and everywhere this person goes now, because of the original conditioning, they will be targeted by the bullies in the new group. The original conditioning is what causes them to respond to the bullying with anxiety, avoidance, or hostile reaction (Narcs KNOW this, that's why they do it~ to make the target react in some way. If they can get the target to NOT SHOW UP, or to DISPLAY ANGER or ANXIETY, then they have accomplished their goal.) It is important to know that Narc bullies don't give up when they have lost the battle, they will continue to target a person until they have won their war. They don't know any other way to operate, they are the kings and queens of drama. Those who expose them are not drama kings or queens, but the Narc will accuse them of it (of course) until they can either get the person to stop exposing them by bullying that person, or get everyone to stop listening to the person by destroying their credibility (talk about how crazy and dramatic that person is, point to things that person does that are, in reality, perfectly normal, but the Narc twists until it looks crazy). ALL Narcs are bullies to some degree, all narcs try to run the show, all narcs try to convince others that they are innocent and stable, and that someone else is not. Those who have attributes that bullies are jealous of are targeted ANYWAY, so when there is a Narcissist bully in the home, that bully's focus will be mostly the SAME as the bullies on the outside of the home. So a person who has been conditioned to Narc bullying in the home will be a Narc bully victim for the rest of their lives, until they find a way to heal and recover; it usually takes professional help, since it is a form of brainwashing, and it is reinforced every time a new Narc shows up. Narc abuse often causes PTSD, which contributes greatly to conditioning.