
Women Fear Disapproval, For Good Reason

It is more common for women in Western culture to be careful that their behavior and speech falls within acceptance of those around them. The reasons for this are many, but one important reason is that they receive heavy consequences very easily and very quickly from those around them if they do not keep themselves within the parameters of approval of other people. This usually means being agreeable with anyone who has claimed a leadership role. In other words, it is more acceptable for girls and women to be cheerleaders instead of play football, to be in the audience clapping instead of onstage playing, to be the secretary instead of the boss, the bookkeeper instead of the carpenter, to listen to others and believe them instead of stating their own observations. Letting others lead is often considered being a "nice person", when it is actually just submissive,  and defending one's self against rude, inconsiderate, bossy, controlling, or unfair behavior is often painted as "bitchy", when it is actually what a healthy person with healthy boundaries does normally.

Women who do not let others rail over them, boss them, or bully them are often dished out inappropriate and ridiculous consequences such as verbal abuse, humiliation, smear campaigns, abandonment, and ostracism. Sadly, when one woman is being targeted, since there are so many people with the same conditioning, many people go along with it. Only those who are not engulfed by cultural conditioning will see through it.