
Get Off The Political High Horse (Elephant)(Donkey)(etc)

Using political labels to say who is "right" and who is "wrong", who is "GOOD" and who is "BAD"... does not create unity, but only creates separation. All of the political ideals have merit in some ways, and cause detriment in other ways, but humans have a hard time with this; they want one thing to be ALL BAD and the thing they like to be ALL GOOD. Ideas are not people, ideas are not alive, ideas do not create things. People who do things like identify themselves with an idea, and vilify anyone who does not go along with the "side" they have chosen voluntarily create separation. Just doing what primates do, identifying with a group, and calling the other group "THEM", instead of leaving ideas where they belong, in objectivity-land, where they can be viewed without bias and learned from, without becoming a cult.