
Blame Culture = Blame Avoidance Culture

Avoiding blame is something children outgrow in a healthy environment. They learn not to blame brother of sister for taking the cookie, and they learn why it's important. They learn that when they were caught taking the cookie without asking, that the action was their own, they chose to do it, and that when Mom sent them to their room, it was not Mom doing something "mean" to them, or being unfair; they learn that their action had a consequence. They learn why it's wrong to cheat, and they learn the rewards of self-respect and respecting others. However in modern culture, there is a growing trend of blame avoidance in adults, who apparently never learned to take responsibility for their actions. This points to a culture where children who avoided blame were rewarded more than for being accountable for their actions. In a bully culture where bullying goes unchecked, children will receive negative attention for positive, forward thinking, respectful behavior. The only rewards in a bully culture a child receives is from pleasing the bullies around them, whether they be other children, adults, or both. Since bullies are intrinsically immature, a mature response by a child will be met with derision, ridicule, and often verbal or even physical abuse. Taking responsibility for one's actions will be rewarded or punished based on the bully's MOOD AT THE TIME, and also on the bully's personal perception of how the situation affects him or herself. Bullies do not think objectively, their concern is only how something or someone affects themselves for good or ill. Not about how something affects another, in a personal way or in a big picture way. Bullies make a habit of blame-shifting, putting the blame for something they did to cause pain or difficulty on others; their goal is to always be without blame, and they magnify blame on others, whether the blame was shifted onto a person or whether they took responsibility themselves. In this way, a Bully Culture inevitably creates a Blame Culture, where more people avoid blame, and shift it onto someone or something else. Nothing gets resolved, nothing gets fixed, quality control and quality of life goes down the tubes. This leads to the breakdown of the society.

"Victim blaming is holding the victims of a crime, an accident, or any type of abusive maltreatment to be entirely or partially responsible for the unfortunate incident that has occurred in their life.

"Blame shifting

"Blaming others can lead to a "kick-the-dog effect" where individuals in a hierarchy [or who think they are in a hierarchy] blame their immediate subordinate,[or who they fantasize to be their subordinate],  and this propagates down the [real or imagined] hierarchy until the lowest rung (the "dog"). A 2009 experimental study has shown that blaming can be contagious even for uninvolved onlookers.

"We constantly consciously and unconsciously make judgments about other people. Our basis for judging others may be partly ingrained, negative and rigid indicating some degree of grandiosity.
Blaming is also a way of devaluing others. The end result is that the blamer feels superior. Others are seen as less worthwhile making the blamer "perfect". Off-loading blame means putting the other person down by emphasizing his or her flaws.[1] ...

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Mimulus (play /ˈmɪmjuːləs/)[1] is a diverse plant genus, the monkey-flowers and musk-flowers. The about 150 species are currently placed in the family Phrymaceae. The genus has traditionally been placed in Scrophulariaceae. The removal of Mimulus from that family has been supported by studies of chloroplast DNA first published in the mid-1990s[citation needed]. Multiple studies of chloroplast DNA and two regions of nuclear rDNA[2] suggest that the genera Phryma, Berendtiella, Hemichaena, Leucocarpus, Microcarpeae, Peplidium, Glossostigma, and Elacholoma are all derived from within Mimulus and would need to be rearranged.
It is recognized that there are two large groups of Mimulus species, with the largest group of species in western North America, and a second group with center of diversity in Australia. A few species also extend into eastern North America, eastern Asia and southern Africa. This enlarged group is a part of the newly redefined Phrymaceae.

Mimulus is the remedy for known fears. Whenever you are frightened or anxious about something, and you can say what that 'something' is, then Mimulus is the remedy to take.
Mimulus fears are those of every day: fear of public speaking, of the dark, of aggressive dogs, of illness and pain. Phobias can also be Mimulus fears if the cause of the fear - whether spiders, birds or open spaces - can be named. Rock Rose might be preferred where the phobia causes real terror. Where the fear is vague and there is general anxiety and apprehension without a specific named cause, there Aspen might be a better choice.
Mimulus is used as a type or personality remedy for those of us who tend generally to be nervous, timid and shy. We might blush easily or stammer, and will usually avoid social occasions and any event where we will be in the limelight.
Mimulus brings out the quiet courage and strength that lies hidden in all of us, so that we can face the everyday trials of life without fear.

Dr Bach's description

edbach2.jpgFear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone, of misfortune. The fears of everyday life. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread, they do not freely speak of it to others.
- The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies