
Monkey Culture Confirmation Bias

Confirmation Bias is the tendency to pay more attention to things which reinforce your beliefs than to things which contradict them.
Confirmation biases contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Poor decisions due to these biases have been found in military, political, and organizational contexts.
...Beliefs about people are very common examples; Asians are good at math but not driving; Blond haired Caucasians are happy but not logical; Italians are fair minded but mobsters; African American males are good at sports but not academics; Men are good at all kinds of things mechanical, are innately brave, and are logical; Women are not good at things men are good at, are weak and scared, and are not logical~
All of these beliefs have been rotated around society for years, but not because they are TRUE. They are not believed by everyone, only those who WANT to believe them because it serves their own ego and identity. Confirmation Bias happens when a person who WANTS to believe these fictional images finds an example that fits; three Asian kids in their classroom, one of them is good at math, two are average, but the person says "SEE! ASIANS ARE GOOD AT MATH!" because he or she has found a single example that matches. It does not register that the other two Asian kids are not math whizzes. A boy was taught how to fix the car by his father, who was taught by his grandfather; but no one would teach the boy's sister, and no one would teach his mother, either. Instead of comprehending that he is being actively coached, and that his sister and mother were being actively excluded from the coaching, he only sees that his father, grandfather, and self know how to fix the car and that his sister and mother do not. He then fulfills his ego fantasy that Men can fix cars naturally and Women can't. His sister, on the other hand, is being taught by their mother how to cook extravagant meals, and her mother was taught by her mother in law and grandmother; no one is teaching her brother or her father, and no one taught her grandfather how to cook. She also confirms her ego fantasy that "Women can cook naturally and Men can't". Both the brother and sister have Confirmation Bias, and most likely so does the rest of the family. If the men taught the sister how to fix the car, with the SAME patience, detail, and attention they use with the brother, and also showed the same confidence in her ability to learn, and the same pride in her when she did learn, then the odds are that she would learn just as well as her brother; but they will NOT explore that, they won't try it, because they DON'T WANT IT TO BE TRUE.
"Maybe the idea is to raise awareness and catch things within ourselves faster."
~Dr. Massimo Rossetti