
Narcissism Revealed

Basically, an adult Narcissist is just a person who grew up but did not go through what others go through as far as learning how to interact with others, and why. Either for external or internal reasons, or both, a person with Narcissism did not learn WHY it is better for everyone if we behave a certain way, or do certain things, or have AWARENESS. They may never even have been shown or taught that there is Life outside their personal realm at all.
We have all known children who did not treat others with respect, or manners; who wanted what they wanted, no matter what, and would throw a fit if they didn't get it. Children who did not say "thank you" when given gifts, and who did not say "Please" when asking for something, or who didn't even ask at all, as if others were paid help.
Many of us forget that the reason we learned these lessons is because we were TAUGHT, purposely, and usually by more than by just one parent.
All of the people around us teach us by example, constantly.
If we are surrounded by negative, controlling, pessimistic, scarcity minded, narcissistic or abusive people, then that is the mindset we learn to have, even if we fight it. Even if we can see it while we're growing up, it still makes a huge mark on the way we see the world; it forges lenses for us to see our selves, our lives, and our worlds through. If no one teaches us how or why to NOT be Narcissistic, then there's a good chance we will become that way too, and not even know why, or that we are.
Basically Narcissism can be seen as a kind of internalized childishness, a lack of awareness that one did not go through certain growth and learning stages. Like a permanent 6th or 7th grader who has not learned about humility yet, who seeks all the rewards of adulthood without understanding anything about adulthood. It's really more like a disability, and renders the sufferer very much alone inside, without knowing why.

Stupid Blogs About Psychology

sOn behalf of human behavior/psychology nerds who post and discuss the subject:

Think of it as collecting rocks, and talking about it.

Geologists are interested in what's already there, they're not creating anything new in order to have something to study.
Exactly the same as people who observe and study human behavior and psychology. Discussing what exists right in front of us does n
ot "create trouble", except for people who have a vested, personal interest in keeping it hidden.

Why would someone NOT want someone else to study and discuss human behavior? Why do they want it to be hidden, mysterious, undercover? Why would they take something that we all experience every day as a personal attack? To someone who studies humans, that's akin to pretending the weather is "sunny and clear" every day, because they can't stand talking about the rain.

People who don't collect rocks often don't get why anyone would enjoy that, but they don't get all freaked out when a Rock Collector posts and discusses their subject of interest. Even if they have arrogance issues and think that rock hounding and being a geologist means a person is "weird", they still don't take it personally, usually, as if geologists are doing something "wrong" to them by studying rocks. (There's rocks in their yard, what about them?)

All human interaction dynamics fall under relationship-based interaction, so anything people write or discuss about human behavior and conditioning can always be seen as relationship-based. The how's and why's, and where it comes from, that's what we study; some humans do certain things more, some less, but all are affected in one way or another.

People who study this subject are often misunderstood by those around them who don't share their focus of interest, and because the subject is HUMAN behavior, lots of people can't understand that it's not personally about THEM specifically, or about the PERSON who is discussing or posting specifically.

Lots of things will apply to anyone reading the post, AND to the person posting, because of the fact that they are HUMANS, and the subject is human behavior and psychology.

If it helps to understand, think of it as studying Canine behavior and psychology, instead of it being "personal". People who own dogs, love dogs, hate dogs or work with dogs will take anything about dogs more personally than people who don't have any personal interest in dogs, and will feel emotional reaction about posts regarding dogs. Those who don't pay attention to dogs don't even know who Cesar Millan IS, but people who do have an emotional reaction to him, and about him.

OR, just ignore it altogether. No one says you have to be interested in the same things as anyone else. AND no one says that anyone has to stop their OWN interests just because you don't like them.