
Abundant Universe

Just for today give up the fear of competition. We can all share in the dream of abundance when we choose integrity, honor and respect as the terms for constructing our future. ~Edie Britt

An Honor And A Privilege

One of the biggest problems many people have with relationships, be they friend, family, or romantic, is that they believe that the other person HAS to stay with them. Taking relationships with others for granted is a symptom of Entitlement, much like when one believes they deserve to get paid at a job just for showing up. The proof that someone believes they are Entitled to their relationships, and that they do not view them as a privilege, and an honored invitation from another living, sentient being, is when they verbally and/or emotionally attack when the person decides that they've had enough of being taken for granted. To be sure~ How do you know if you are the one who is being "entitled", or who is being taken for granted? It's simple. If your reaction to this is "Why should I treat her/him/them with respect? What have they done to deserve it? And they are supposed to be there for me, not the other way around, and I can't stand them anyway, they're stupid" ~Then you are definitely the one who feels entitled, and you will probably get a rude awakening that you will not understand until you have gone through all kinds of problems in your life that you have created with your entitlement consciousness. Wake up so you can have a good life.