
What Women Want, What Men Want

How common is it, in your opinion, for a man to seek and expect "mothering" from random women? (As in: nurturing, gift-giving, patting on the back, tolerance of rude, obnoxious, inconsiderate behavior, being held up as "manly" and a "good man" (innocent, skilled, and stronger than women), and allowance of domination, condescension and arrogance? )

And how common is it, in your opinion, for a woman to seek and expect "fathering" from random men? (As in: nurturing, gift-giving, patting on the head, tolerance of rude, obnoxious, inconsiderate behavior, being held up as "feminine" and a "good woman" (innocent, submissive, and more intuitive than men), and allowance of neediness, manipulation and backstabbing other women? ) And how much do you think these expectations might contribute to relationship and interpersonal problems?

"Women want to be in a relationship with guys they can seriously talk to - unfortunately, a lot of those guys want to be in relationships with women they don't have to talk to." (from NY Times article)

  If comments are not working on my page, please email me if you'd like to share your opinion at , I look forward to hearing from you.

Chaos Makes Me Broke

So I am sick of being surrounded by chaotic people who drive me crazy. And I am sick of always being broke. I am sick of fighting with them to try to get them what I think they should do. I am sick of being victimized by the people in my life. They are all wrong, they are all nuts, and I am right, and I am perfectly sane... RIGHT?
Well, even if all of that were completely true, then the questions begs to be asked: Why Am I Still Here, Doing The Same Things, Dealing With The Same People, Spending Beyond My Means??

Who is really the "crazy" one?

I Know Her Too Well

What you see another person do is not ALL they do. We can only see the tip of the iceberg when we look at another person, or read their posts, or hear them talk. Even those we have known for a long time.
Our human brains are amazingly presumptuous about others. There is a reason for it; our brains cannot handle the amount of information it would have to process to see reality, so it summarizes everything, truncates everything, makes everything much, much smaller than it really is. And in that shrinking process, it leaves out MOST of the actual information.
We don't live in actual reality, we live in a very, very edited version, and we see others as our brain's own edited version of them, not how they really are. (We don't even see ourselves as we really are. Our brains just aren't capable of processing that much information.)