
Proving You're A "Good Person" To A Narcissist

No matter how much you help, how much you give, how long you listen, how many things you do, how hard you work, it will never get through to a person with Narcissism. They need you to be the self-centered one, the petty one, the dumb one, the crazy one, and you can not do anything to prove otherwise, ever. You could become a nun or a priest, go on a mission and succeed in saving the entire contin...ent of Africa from tyranny and starvation, and they would still see you in the same exact light. You see, anything about you that is not about them, any attention you pay that is not to them, anything you do that doesn't serve them, they will always see as you're "wrongdoing". You could listen to them talk about their problems for 5 hours, literally, and they won't notice; but the moment you bring something up about yourself, even for a minute, their alarm goes off. They don't actually see reality, they see a construct of their own imagination, created to make them feel better about themselves. It will not change, ever, so let it go, put your focus on the world beyond them. It's still there, even if they have convinced you that it's not, and you're still a full member, you belong, even if they have convinced you that you never did. You really, really, really do.