
Fake Friends?

When I am upset with someone about their lack of friendship, support, or respect toward me, the first thing I ask is "how much friendship, support, or respect have I shown them, really and truly? What is the actual history, and not just the one in my head right now?" After enough soul searching, a clearer picture is usually revealed. Sometimes it shows that I am expecting more from them than I give, or forgetting the support they have given me. Sometimes it shows that they are just living their life with no ill intention toward anyone, and I am just feeling overwhelmed. Still, sometimes it shows that I am expecting friendship from a person who has already shown that they're not capable of friendship, support, or respect, or that they haven't shown any of these things toward me specifically, only toward others.
Whatever the picture reveals, it is closer to reality which helps me to better navigate my surroundings and relationships, and manage my feelings.