
Why More Male Narcissists Than Female?

Why are there more Narc. Males than Narc. Females in the general population? (And there are, make no mistake.) It's all about the Culture we live in. None of us chose to be born into it, but here we are, and Narcs take advantage of any opportunity that others allow them to take. Females do help facilitate male narcissism when they compete with each other for male attention, throwing each other under the bus, and refusing to bolster their daughter's self-actualization, refusing to stand up for girls and women, refusing to RECOGNIZE other women as equal to men, and refusing to TREAT women with the same respect and admiration they give men. And this huge disparity lays a red carpet for male Narcs to FLOURISH. I know several female musicians, for example, who get very little credit and recognition for their amazing talent, except from their friends and people who think they're "hot". While I know zillions of mediocre male musicians who get all the recognition in the world from BOTH females and males. This culture gets a thrill out of admiring men, but they act lukewarm and bored toward women who have twice the talent. It's not about reality. And immature males eat it all up with a spoon, as if the reason they are getting more attention and credit is because they INTRINSICALLY DESERVE IT. Obviously not all males have this problem, and there are plenty of females who do have this problem as well (narcissism), but the reason for the imbalance is the culture we live in, and that very few do anything about. It's not about gaining equal rights nearly as much as it is about checking OURSELVES. Our OWN biases and the way we treat others, and the recognition and attention and praise we give, or refuse to give, others. 

Read this thread, these men are dead serious about their beliefs and delusions, and no one is setting them straight, no one ever did when they were growing up :
Men Are Superior To Women