
Control Personalities' Personal Solar System

A person with a Control Personality sees the world and the people in it like the swirl of a solar system.

To the Control Person, people are either Suns, or planets that revolve around Suns.
The Control Person is the center, like the sun,... and everything and everyone spins around them. The Control Person is the center of their solar system, and everyone else is seen as good if they are spinning in the right direction, keeping the Control Person's world/system in order and comfortable. Or, if they are not spinning around the Control Person and keeping him or her comfortable, they are seen as bad, or alien, or enemy.
This means that anyone close enough to the Control Person, like the planets closest to the sun, has to turn and spin in a specific way, because the "sun", or the Control Person, feels the gravitational effect.
Since the Control Person sees their own self as the center of the system, he or she can be extremely sensitive to any movement of the planets, or people, spinning around him or her, and may react harshly to one of them spinning in their own direction.
The Control Person sees the people in his or her life, and the world, as members of HIS or HER system.
Just like the solar system, with the sun being its center. If a planet in our solar system went out of orbit, or began to spin in a new direction, our solar system would change. If a person in the Control Person's system decides they want to do something on their own, or different, or something away from the system, the Control Person may become very upset and try to stop them, and if they can't stop them, they may become angry because they feel betrayed, abandoned, or disrespected. They may try to punish with aggression, reputation assault, or ostracism. In other words, if a person is not orbiting the Control Person, they are considered a threat, like an asteroid.
The Control Person simply can't see the other person as a free-floating person who is not bound to someone else's system. He or she does not see their own self as free-floating either.
To the Control Person, people are either Suns, or planets that revolve around Suns.