
Feeling Trapped

Feeling trapped in one's situation, in one's "station" in life, in one's JOB, in one's TOWN, in one's "lot in life",  are symptoms of Narcissistic abuse and oppression.

  • I'll never be anything more than _________.
  • I am trapped in this job, I can't quit, I won't be able to make it.
  • I will always be broke and struggling.
  • I could never be one of those happy people.
  • I am afraid to leave this relationship, home, or town, and be alone.
  • I am afraid to make changes in my life, things will just be worse.
  • Things will not get better for me, I just keep getting older.
  • There's nothing I can do. 
  • I am too overwhelmed to help anyone else.
  • No one truly cares about me, and I doubt anyone ever will.
  • If only I could win the Lottery, I will have a good life. If I could have enough money, I would make everything better.
These are all signs that we have been influenced by someone with Narcissism traits or the actual disorder, or are currently being influenced, or both. Typically there is more than one involved, which  helps to mask the behavior and treatment, and make it seem "normal".

Believe it or not, we can make the changes to make our lives better. We don't have to win the Lottery to do that, and that might be hard to hear, but it's real. Think about it~ if the only way you could be happy is if you won a huge amount of money, that means you feel an urgent need to escape. Escape what, exactly, and why is it so difficult to make things better where you're already standing? There's a real reason for that. The first step is simply looking at where we are standing, and what is really going on around us. It's not hard to spot Narcissism once we read some descriptions of it, and once we know what's going on, we won't be bamboozled by it anymore. Awareness is, literally, power.

Some good websites on Narcissism and healing: