
Hating Happiness: Another Sign Of Narcissism

Another overt sign of Narcissism is a compulsion to ruin any kind of positivity in a target's life. If a Narcissist sees their target with a happy face, or hears a happy tone in their voice, it is a trigger to cause some kind of distraction and wreck the positive feelings. The only time a Narcissist might not do that is when they are sure that they are the one who "made" the target happy. But even then, they still might react to the trigger. Anything positive at all in a target's life that can be perceived by the Narcissist can be a trigger for them to insert themselves and then ruin it. An accomplishment, a financial windfall, a good job, a new car, a good friendship, a new business connection or opportunity. Credit, praise or attention from others for something the target did. If the target might be perceived by others as funny, smart, talented, or attractive. Even a joke that the target laughs at, a television show the target enjoys, or a musician that brings the target inspiration and joy. Even a task that the target has taken on that could increase the target's self-confidence, even if just for a moment. Anything at all that the Narcissist believes to be something that will bring the target positivity in their life, and any time the target expresses happiness, joy, confidence, or celebration is a trigger.

The Narcissist will often try to SHAME the target for whatever it is, or they will put down whatever it is, or actually try to remove the thing or person from the target's life. Narcissists are driven to cause their target humiliation, self-doubt, anxiety and fear in order to maintain their own feeling of control over the target. They have a hair trigger, and can go from "Happy Happy Joy Joy" to "You ought to be ashamed!!!" in a nanosecond. The effect on the target can range from confusion to serious trauma that can result in mental and emotional illness, including suicidal ideation. And there are plenty of Narcissists who would actually find pleasure in their target committing suicide, since that would bring them all kinds of sympathy and attention, and give them even more reason to gossip about their target to fellow Narcissists. So don't think for a minute that a Narcissist would stop their abusive behavior just because their target feels suicidal.