
Bad Ass

Really sick of this culture of "tough" and "bad ass" and "I'll kick their ass", it's so freaking boring. How is that ego-display any different from morally superior judgment ego-display, or intellectual superiority ego-display? They're exactly the same thing, and they're all based in control, and they all lead to... 


There's no sharing point of view, there's no listening to another person's ideas or experiences, no cooperation to build cool things or make life better (actually better), there's no giving a crap about others or caring for their well-being, it's just control, control, I'm in control, I'm a bad-ass so you better listen to me...I'm smarter than you so you better bow to me... I'm higher in God's eyes so I have the right to look down on you and you better listen to me... I'm BIGGER THAN YOU so you better listen to me...I have bad-ass friends so you better listen to me... I'm rich so you better listen to me... I have a degree so you better listen to me... I'm enlightened so you better listen to me... I'm a woman so you better listen me... I'm a man so you better listen to me... give me a freaking break. Humans are humans are humans. ALL CONTROL IS FROM THE SAME EXACT PLACE. There is no reason that gives that entitlement, like a little crown on a person's head. We are all here on the same ride, it would be WAY MORE FUN if so many kiddies would stop trying to be the BOSS over the other kids.