
Domination Behavior

There is a key thing that chimpanzees and humans have in common. Once you can accept this and understand it, it's much easier to understand a great deal of human behavior. That key is the compulsion to dominate, and to DISPLAY domination.

In emotionally secure humans, and many chimpanzees, the desire to dominate is focused on learning and skill, creating a comfortable living environment, and problem solving.

However in others, the same domination compulsion is transferred and focused to dominating other members of the group.

This compulsion can include the strong desire to prove one's self GOOD ENOUGH, and BETTER, and STRONGER, and MORE WORTHY, or MOST WORTHY.
This compulsion can not be carried out in a vacuum.
There absolutely has to be at least one other person around to carry it out, to be a person who can be a target TO BE AN INFERIOR. (Not actually inferior, just in the mind of the person who is craving the feeling of domination.)
Some humans will recruit another human to play that role, the one who they get to play "I AM MORE WORTHY THAN YOU ARE" with, all the time. Like a 'pet human' who is always there to squish, in order to get that feeling of "BETTER THAN YOU".

>This 'pet human' will be treated like a "sidekick" not only by the "Dominator", but also by associates and friends of the "Dominator" person; not like an EQUAL PERSON.
>In other words, handshakes, formal introduction, eye contact, and direct communication ONLY goes to the "Dominator".
>The 'pet human' will be consistently treated like a lesser person, WITHOUT proper and polite manners, courtesy, or respect from either the "Dominator" or from other associates.
>IF and WHEN someone does treat the 'pet human' with direct and normal respect, proper manners, and direct communication, that person will quickly be REDIRECTED or REJECTED by the "Dominator", using domination displays to send a message to either the person, or to the 'pet human'. 

This kind of dynamic can be seen in any type of relationship, from a pair of childhood classmates to a pair of siblings, a parent and child, a "romantic" relationship, even coworkers or business partners.

Both humans and chimpanzees show this compulsion in varying degrees, due to genetics, the behavior of other members in their group/community, the level of guidance and support they received growing up, and past experiences.
Both humans and chimpanzees who have a high degree of dominance display behavior appear to have a harder time learning about the dynamics of healthy relationships, progress, interactive cooperation that's needed to achieve larger goals, and ethics.
In humans, the higher degree of domination behavior, the lower the apparent ability to self-reflect, to empathize, to be actually independent, or to handle change.

Something you may or may not have noticed: Both humans and chimpanzees use body language AND vocalizations to express emotions, to try to dominate others, and display "worthiness" so they will be accepted in a group. Humans use noises and tones,
but they also use LANGUAGE.

Think of the word "DISPLAY" here to mean "TO SHOW", the way some male birds "display" their colors to attract a mate, or the way male Iguanas "display" their throats to show agitation, or the way female dogs "display" their teeth to warn other dogs away from their puppies.

An example of language display can be seen when a human wants to be accepted in a group as "one of them"; a person will learn LABELS so that he or she can say them in the group, in order to DISPLAY to the others that he or she knows what they know, and "fits in", and is "one of them". LABELS such as names of pieces of equipment, parts, brand names of such parts and pieces. Also LABELS such as names of PEOPLE who are probably known by the members of the group, or that they might LOOK UP TO. When a person wants to be seen as an "insider", an "expert", or a "guru", he or she may purposely learn specialized words, labels, and names. (Learning "jargon" is a very common way a human will use language to appear knowledgeable and experienced.)

This use of WORDS to falsely DISPLAY "experience" and "knowledge" usually WORKS on most people, even if they do it themselves.

>So, a person might want to fit in with some musicians because they are worried about being treated with condescension and disrespect when they are learning to play guitar (a well-founded fear). Instead of learning guitar parts, amplifier manufacturers, and the names of musicians and histories AS THEY learn to play, NATURALLY, they may put a large amount of effort and time into learning WORDS that they can use when they TALK to musicians. Unfortunately, many people who do this put more time and effort into learning the labels, names, and words than they do into their actual playing. Strangely enough, they will STILL be seen by many as someone who "knows about guitars and music" just because they have learned what WORDS to use. In other words, a person might learn every bass guitar manufacturer that ever existed, know what bass strings are made of, be able to name all of the parts of a bass guitar, be able to name several bass players, but NOT KNOW HOW to play one very well at all, NOT KNOW HOW to repair one, and NOT REALLY KNOW HOW those parts actually WORK. This person knows the WORDS, but not the rest of it. But since the reason he or she learned the WORDS was to APPEAR experienced and knowledgeable, he or she will DENY what they don't really know, and try to hide it.

And here's the kicker~ Humans will more often than not TREAT a person who knows the WORDS but NOT how to play, build, or repair a bass guitar like they know what they're talking about, MORE than a person who DOES KNOW how to play, how to repair, or how to build a bass, but who doesn't know (or care about) the LABELS.

Using language for domination display can also be seen using this pattern. The more "technical words" a person displays, the more others believe that he or she is experienced and knowledgeable. So, those who crave domination often rack up as many labels and names as possible, not just to FIT IN, but to DOMINATE. When they create this facade of expertise, they then USE IT to compete with a person who intimidates them, who they fear, who they desire domination over. They will try to TRIP THE PERSON UP with technical language. They will try to HUMILIATE the other person IN FRONT of other people with their "greater technical knowledge" (regardless of their actual knowledge), they will try to make the other person GIVE UP, STOP DOING WHAT THEY'RE DOING (like playing bass), BACK DOWN and ACT SUBMISSIVE, and they will try to make the person BELIEVE that they are LESS CAPABLE than they really are.

Those who are trying to use language to dominate are often defensive and hostile, because they are trying to dominate others with no substance; they can't get "caught", because they don't really know nearly as much as they're pretending to.
A REAL expert does not need to try to PROVE their expertise with technical jargon, and in fact, a real expert in a field may not use much jargon at all. They may not even use the technical labels for what they do. Some do, some don't. But a person who is always throwing out "KEY WORDS" is suspect, they may well be trying to create the illusion of expertise in order to DOMINATE, MANIPULATE, or CON others.

Using language for domination displays is CONSTANTLY being used for control and power over others by humans with domination compulsion. Their targets are usually similar to their targets in childhood, such as those who are smaller, or those who they envy, or those who they think they can control.

Language is used all the time in attempts to DIMINISH another person, to HUMILIATE another person, to CAUSE PAIN to another person, to cause ANXIETY in another person, and to CAUSE FEAR in another person.

The reason it is used SO OFTEN by those afflicted with domination compulsion is because it does frequently WORK, and they probably did not receive consequences as children for doing it, nor were they probably taught why it's wrong. All they know is they feel a compulsion to dominate, and they know that using language to fulfill that compulsion often WORKS.

Reacting emotionally to a human who is afflicted with domination compulsion often causes them to get an adrenaline rush, and do it MORE. They are SEEKING a reaction from their target. ANY reaction will do. The thing they don't want is NO reaction. When there is a complete lack of reaction, they will often try HARDER to provoke one, at least until they get bored and go find another target so they can receive their chemical reward from carrying out their compulsion.

It has nothing to do with logic, expertise, or "deserved" respect. When a person is trying to display dominance toward another, they are not behaving with civility or manners, so there is no reason to give them what they are trying to force using primitive, boorish, or manipulative displays. See it for what it is.