
Flirtation, Sexual Competition

The more dependent on others for survival a person is, the more they are likely to flirt with the opposite sex and compete with  members of their own sex.

The reason for this approval-seeking is because they are relying on the approval of the opposite sex to affirm their worthiness as a person, and to gain acceptance as members of the larger group. They instinctively know that the more people there are who accept them, (for whatever reason), the more likely they are to get help when they need it, and companionship (or sex) when they want it. They are less likely to be alone, which socially needy people have a very hard time with and fear, even if it's only temporary.

As long as they are getting the approval and attention of the opposite sex, needy people will compete sometimes viciously with members of their own sex for that approval and attention. They fear that they will be replaced; discarded for another. It's not really about mating, it's more about the larger social group.