
Comfort Junkies

Most narcissistic people are really just "Comfort Junkies". They don't want to have to think, or to do something different, or to do something they don't LIKE or MIGHT not like. Talking about a certain thing is uncomfortable, admitting they did something wrong is uncomfortable, changing their schedule or their plans to accommodate or please someone else is uncomfortable. Standing up for someone else is uncomfortable, even standing up for themselves might be uncomfortable. Admitting they don't know something is uncomfortable. Helping someone in distress, empathizing, or helping someone in need is uncomfortable. Giving of themselves or their resources is uncomfortable, risking the "wrath" of someone they're used to catering to is uncomfortable. Trying harder to accomplish a certain goal is uncomfortable. Treating another better would be change and thinking, both of which are uncomfortable. Listening and understanding someone else's point of view instead of talking and arguing is uncomfortable. Trying to let go of an addiction is uncomfortable. So they're not going to do any of those things without kicking and screaming. Their tantrums are more like Linus's meltdowns when someone takes his blanket away. If they would just let him keep his blanket he'd be fine~ the problem is, Linus will never put his blanket down for anything or anyone, no how, no way. So, the blanket (the comfort, whatever that entails to the person) will always win, and any real person will always be put behind the blanket on Linus' priority list.