

The way we learn to communicate while we're growing up is the way we communicate as adults. If we learn several methods of communication, and several modes of communication, then we can connect with other human beings easily. We have a greater chance of being able to connect with different individuals in the mode of communication THEY can relate to.
But if we only learn one or two modes of communication, we may not be communicating our wants and needs to others effectively, and we may not be understanding the communications of others either.

If we only know how to communicate in language and expression that sounds extremely "sweet" and "heartfelt", then we may not be understood by those who communicate without injecting EXTRA "sweetness". We also may not understand them either, and we may interpret their more informational tone as "abrasive", when it's actually just neutral.

If we only learned how to communicate by making announcements at others, we may not know how to reciprocate effectively; we may ignore what others are saying unless they are also "making announcements".

If we were taught that communication is more of a social status display than about actual sharing of information, we will probably see the communications of others toward us as attempts at domination and control over us, or as displays of submission and concession toward us. We may not comprehend that many others are simply sharing neutral information, and are waiting for us to reciprocate.

If we learned to communicate using aggressive tones and hostile expression, we might see that as our "normal" baseline, and anyone who does not communicate that way we may misinterpret as "shy", or "too quiet", "fearful", or even "controlling" or "arrogant". We may not realize that we come off sounding demanding and hostile, we just think we're "talking normally".

We may realize that we are going in circles with communication with someone else because they are speaking a different "language" than we are. Sometimes that other "language" is more of a game than actual communication, which the other person may not want to stop playing in order to hear what you're trying to communicate.

It is possible and not difficult to learn more about communicating, it just takes a desire to find out about it, and the ability to listen and hear without judgment and bias.