
Feeling Alone And Unwanted; Narc. Abuse

Feeling unwanted, rejected, and uncared for and unsafe  in your own home (or your own family, job, school, church, or town) is one of the worst things about Narcissistic abuse.

Since creating this kind of hostile atmosphere is actually a goal of a Narcissistic abuser, it's rare that a target is not drastically affected in all areas, including livelihood and career. Slander and gossip destroy a target's reputation, which often results in job loss, loss of future promotions and career growth. Gossip and triangulation often result in one's family AND friends of the family turning against the target, so the target loses NORMAL relationships and supports that others who have not been targeted tend to take for granted. Much too often those who should have been supporting and protecting the target will buy into the slander,  gossip, and reputation destruction, and go right along with "shunning" this person who has already been targeted for abuse a hundred times over by the Narcissist.

Healing from this is absolutely possible, and is being done every day by people all over the world.