
Learning Successfulness

Do not make the quality of your life and the level of your success dependent on the character or behavior of the people surrounding you.
When you're dealing with gossipy coworkers, you keep walking directly toward your goal. When your family members put you down, you keep walking toward your goal. When business people try to swindle you, you make a note of who they are and what they did, and you keep walking toward your goal. When a romantic partner changes and tries to break your heart, you keep walking toward your goal. When a friend you thought you could count on turns on you or lets you down, you keep walking toward your goal. Whatever the bump in the road is, or the pothole, or the earthquake, you keep walking toward your goal. You deal with the bumps, potholes and earthquakes, but you don't stay on them or in them, you deal with them properly, compassionately, and with integrity, while keeping sight of your goal. 
When you reach your goal, you set a new one, and walk toward that one. Deal with all the bumps, potholes, storms and earthquakes on your way to the goal with integrity, intelligence, and compassion, and with all the experience and knowledge you've acquired so far. And keep sight of your goal.

~M. Black