
Question And Explore

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't question and explore your world. I used to think it wrong to question things; it would make people uncomfortable, it would mean I was not getting it when everyone else did, it would mean that I lacked faith, it would mean that people might be offended because some questions were considered inappropriate... Good people took other good people's words as the way it is. Don't test the thickness of the ice you're walking on if you were told it's thick enough. Don't question it further.

It's considered disrespectful or a form of rebellion to study things our for yourself, to notice inconsistencies and ask about them, to search on your own. Sometimes stories were told about that; curiosity killed the cat, don't stray off the path handed to you or you will get get lost; asking too many questions means you have a learning problem; or even asking too many questions makes you a smart-alack.

You were given a heart and a mind for reason. You are here to explore your soul, to explore your world, to determine what works for you, and what does not... to determine if what everyone believes is even true for you. You are here to to explore your truth! You are here to test, to question and learn of your own path. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't question and explore your world. ♥
 ~ Lisa Concidine