
Why People Fear Bullies

The real reason most people put up with bullies and domination behavior is because they fear retaliation AFTER they stand up to the person. This is something children learn as they get older. Smaller children don't fear retaliation, so they stand up to other kids, and make noise when they need or want something. As children get older, they discover that when they stand up to a bully, there can be ...consequences to pay later. Either the bully will do something to "get them back", or the bully will get others to gang up on the child and HELP "get them back", or the child will be punished for standing up for him or herself by biased or ignorant adults. Bullies get away with their behavior while they're growing up because they aren't getting punished by the adults around them, obviously. If they aren't getting punished for the initial behavior, they aren't getting punished for the retaliation behavior either. So they keep doing it and doing it, further and further. To protect themselves from the retaliation behavior, people learn to turn away from bullies and let them get away with their crap, rather than stand up to them and risk the retaliation behavior, which is usually much more ridiculous than the initial bullying behavior. Bullies seem to believe they have the "right" to treat others with silly disrespect, and when no one calls them out on it, and everyone just cowtows to them because they fear retaliation from the bully or others around them, they confirm it in their heads that they do indeed possess this right, because they are (for some unknown reason) "better".