
For Shaaaame!!!

Narcissists will try to make you feel bad, ashamed, and guilty for doing ANYTHING AT ALL. They will try to make you feel like you did something wrong when you saved a starving puppy. They'll imply that you should feel silly about learning a new language. They'll try to shame you for working on a creative project. They'll cast a shadow on any interest, goal, talent, or activity you have or do. They'll imply that all your friendship and acquaintance connections have hidden agendas. They'll try to imply that you're "OUT OF LINE" when you do anything at all that's in the realm of confident or normal behavior, that's in the realm of participating in anything, that's in the realm of learning or accomplishing or achieving anything. They will try to turn your going to the movies into some kind of evidence that you are a "bad person" who can not be trusted, and should be shunned. They'll do it TO you, and ABOUT you to others. Their appetite for control and elevating their own image by trashing others is seemingly endless.