
Normal Psychiatry

One of the biggest problems with psychiatry is the fact that the patient is viewed through the filter of the idea of what "normalcy" is in the mind of a single individual, or at best, a small handful of individuals who have been indoctrinated in similar ways. The limited viewpoint of one human being can not for one moment presume to know the actual life experiences of another from birth to present time, what it's literally like to stand in their shoes among other humans, among their particular family members, to know their infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, to comprehend the color, depth, and intensity of the events this person has experienced throughout their lives. To judge another's entire personhood and personality as "normal" or "abnormal" based one's OWN belief that one's own personality and world view is "NORMAL" and above reproach or bias, and actually label them with a diagnosis based on this, has got to be one of the most childish and blatant forms of arrogance in the modern world.