
Real Relationship, Or Role Playing?

If you get the feeling you're a surrogate place-holder for someone else in your relationship/friendship (someone's parent, an ex, a sibling) you're probably right. Do they treat you like you're YOU, or do they keep treating you as if you're a completely different person than who you are? Do they treat you with respect and reciprocal friendship and companionship, or do they seem to keep trying to get you to do certain things or be a certain way that may or may not have anything to do with who YOU are? Did they take any time or make any effort to get to know you, to KNOW YOU, or did they seem to assume they already knew all about you, who you are, what you are, what and where you've been, what you think, what your motives are, what your emotions are? Do they show any interest in SHOWING YOU that they care, or do they just keep expecting YOU to show THEM? Do they keep accusing YOU of doing all kinds of things "wrong" that don't even cross your mind, that aren't even a part of your personality? Do they say and do things that are mean or inconsiderate, or dismissive or judgmental, and then accuse YOU of doing those things? Or accuse you of being uncaring because you backed away from them due to their behavior? (Like it's a set up? Like they're TRYING to make you back off JUST SO they can accuse you of abandonment?)
When this seems to be a pattern, it's often because you ARE a place-holder for someone else, someone who they have been carrying around resentment for for a long time, sometimes all the way back to early childhood.