
Prejudice Toward BPD Borderline Personality Disorder

There is a weird, pervasive prejudice in the "psychiatric field" against those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Try googling "prejudice against BPD" and see how m...any entries there are, it's a real problem.
Any kind of prejudice against an entire "group" of people is actually a narcissistic trait that is common in humans; it's that tendency to create cliques, which is from the FEAR OF being seen as "other". So people who are prejudiced against BPD may actually FEAR that THEY have BPD, and fear others noticing it, so they make a lot of noise making sure everyone knows they're NOT "one of THOSE people".
The mental health, caregiver, and medical fields are of course the LAST place that prejudice should be found. But it's actually quite prevalent, and can prove to be very damaging. I have witnessed for myself people who were relatively calm and quite functional folks get medicated to high heaven after being diagnosed with BPD; one woman I knew died of kidney failure, another (21 year old) who developed severe kidney stones had her medication changed which caused an immediate increase and severity in her self-harm, which her "team" refused to acknowledge, and began to give her ECT. She doesn't seem to remember me anymore. Her family is highly dysfunctional with obvious narcissism with delusions, and also alcoholism, but her "team" refused to acknowledge that, too, it was "all her".
I could list many more examples just that I have witnessed personally.
This problem is, of course, the most pervasive with the less mature and less professionally minded. The less emotionally mature a "professional" is, and the more narcissistic, the more likely he or she is to harbor this prejudice, and therefore fail to perform their job with objectivity or professionalism.
Prejudice is prejudice; those with racism will of course be less professional to targets of their prejudice, those with sexism will be less professional toward targets of that prejudice, etc. It can be seen, and does exist, in every single vocation, the psychiatric and medical fields are no exception.
Here is one person's experience witnessing this: