
Special Treatment

Believe it or not, many human beings often reserve their approval and support for those whom they're seeking it FROM. The basis of favoritism and bias is giving in order to receive something back, such as attention, affection, approval, or recognition. When we don't seek a certain person's approval because we don't see them as "higher" than ourselves in status, we may not pay much  attention to them at all. Sometimes we humans even treat those whom we don't want approval from with active disrespect and rejection; an attempt to display "dominance" and superior status. But with those whom we DO want approval FROM, we make a point of going out of our way to make a display out of GIVING them our approval and support, giving accolades, giving compliments and sympathy, even giving extra material gifts and extra emotional support. The phenomenon of celebrities, business "leaders", and politicians getting free gifts and special treatment everywhere they go is due to this human tendency to GIVE in order to RECEIVE.
Oprah Winfrey marveled at the way famous people get free stuff and special treatment thrown at them when they don't need it, but before you're famous, when you're struggling and living on Ramen Noodles, 'special favors' are few and far between.
Not all human beings do this, but those who do will do it when it comes to celebrities and also may do this in their local communities, at their place of work, in local businesses, with children in the community and at school, and in their own families. Social Media exposes this tendency quite starkly.