
How Do I Stop Getting Sucked In By Narcissists?

Truly, the only real way to see through the tactics of Narcissists is to watch our own triggers and behaviors regarding other people.
Asking ourselves some questions about how we interact in the world, and being honest about our answers, is the road to real awareness.
Questions such as:

~When I find myself paying attention to one person, and listening to what they say, what are the real reasons? Is there any evidence, honestly, that I might be responding to their "charisma", OR because I saw that others are listening to them?

~What are my subtle, hidden prejudices? Do I tend to dismiss women, and listen to men? Do I dismiss blondes, but listen to brunettes? Or vice versa? Am I biased against one race or another and don't realize it, or against one sex or the other?

~What are my biases? Do I tend to believe, follow, and buy into what certain people say, and not others? Based on what, exactly?

~When I am excited to meet a new person, or find a new person to "follow" like a music star, a writer, or an actor, what exactly is it that makes me feel that excitement? What is it about them, really?

~How much do I rationalize WHY I listen, believe, and follow certain people but not others? What are the reasons I tell myself? What are the REAL reasons? What reasons are "stuck" from my childhood or adolescence?

~How much do I respond, honestly, to flattery, attention, approval, and flirtation?

~To WHOM do I let my guard down easily, and why?
Is it their air of "authority", their physical looks, their age, their height? Is it their body type?
Is it because they remind me of someone, like a parent, an uncle, an aunt, a teacher, a childhood buddy? Is it their voice?
Did they flatter me, agree with me, show concern for me?
Did they have an air of "power" or "wealth", or physical strength or dominance? Did they have an air of superiority?

~Do I "drop" those I was interested in or following, when they turn out to be just a "regular person"?