
Kindred Spirit, or Rival?

Non-Narcissists LIKE IT when someone else seems like a "kindred spirit", so they often don't protect themselves from Narcissistic attack, because they don't do it, so they don't expect it to happen. For example if there are two students in a class who are both getting the highest grades, the student who is a Non-Narcissist will often be looking to befriend and share experiences with the other student. However the Narcissist student will actually be trying to "WIN" the "top spot", and are not at all interested in genuine camaraderie. Unfortunately, the Narc. student will probably not only try to "Win" by getting better grades than the other, but will also probably try to sabotage the other student, either by doing something to cause them obstacles and problems, or by attacking them personally with verbal and emotional abuse. Because the Non-Narc. student doesn't think the same way, the Narc. has often already caused them real damage before they realize what's going on.