
Freedom Fighters, Control Freaks, Patriarchy, Matriarchy

Trying to "knock someone off their high-horse" is a common behavior in a narcissism-infused community or group.
The behavior is fueled mostly by fear of rejection and disfavor, desire for approval and acceptance,  self-righteousness, envy, and the desire to dominate.
Women and girls are targeted more than men IF a narcissistic community is Patriarchal, because Controllers are dependent on the false hierarchy already created in their region to maintain their control. This goes for both male and female Controllers.

(Football plays don't work very well in a baseball game, so if the game that you're good at is Football, you're going to want everyone to keep playing Football. Female Controllers don't want other females to gain confidence and therefore esteem and power; they want things to stay the way they are so they can use the tools they've learned within the game that's already in play. Female Controllers HELP male Controllers oppress females; that takes half the population out of the "competition" for recognition and resources. and therefore power and privilege, which is the Controller's main focus, whether it's in a small local group, or a large organization, business or government.)

If the community was Matriarchal and narcissistic, then men would be targeted more often in order to keep THAT hierarchy intact.
The same thing occurs in regions where one race holds power over another; Controllers of all races tend to "play the system" the way it's already set up, they don't want it to change, because they know how to play it the way it is.
The exception to this rule is when a Controller desires the TOP power positions, then they will often create a cult to help them carry out their agenda to topple the current hierarchy, and replace it with their OWN.
These kind of Controllers will play the "race card" or "freedom card" right to the moment they "win", but as soon as they achieve the power position they were seeking, they implement the exact same oppressive hierarchy that they pretended to be against. They didn't actually WANT "freedom and respect for everyone", their real goal was to REPLACE the King or Queen, and gain power and privilege for themselves. They will often turn the tables once they achieve the position, rallying hatred and oppression toward other groups, or they may keep the oppression just the way it was.
Genuine "freedom fighters" and "peace warriors" don't seek the position of power as a general rule, they seek to spread awareness and peace, and to uncover the dynamics of Narcissism (control, corruption, oppression, crime, bullying). Since their focus is not trying to amass a cult, posse, or army of hostile bullies like Controllers do (because they are genuinely about PEACE), there is a long trail of persecution against them throughout human history; they are usually targeted by Narcissists and their followers who don't want them to spread awareness, be an example for others to see, or teach true peace.

~M. Black