
Men Lead, Women Follow?

Google the phrase "Men Lead Women Follow" and you will get a quarter of a BILLION hits.

Which begs only one question:

Why the obsession?

Why are human beings apparently obsessed with who "follows" whom, and who "leads" whom?
What is this adamant, relentless obsession with who gets to wear the Crown?
Where does this come from, if humans are so, so, so intelligent and self-aware?

Now for the answer!
What part of the brain will a person use to "answer" these questions?
Where is their "logic" or "evidence" REALLY coming from?

How about let's ask a couple more questions. (If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!)

If there's a community that is populated only by males, all of whom have the same IQ, the same skill set, and the same school/academic record, who gets to be in charge?
Who gets to decide who's in charge?
Why does anyone want to be in charge of anyone else?

And another one:

If there's a community that is populated only by females, all of whom have the same IQ, the same skill set, and the same school/academic record, which females get to be in charge?
How would it be decided, and who gets to decide?
Why does anyone want the job of being a boss over their equals?

How long would an all-male community stay peaceful, and make progress?
How long would an all-female community?

What would be the focus and goals of an all-female community that was populated by females of equal skill and intelligence?  What would they be planning? What would they be working on?

What would be the focus and goals of an all-male community that was populated by males of equal skill and intelligence?

Do you believe you could know the answers to these questions?
How do you perceive people?

Do you perceive males as all being similar to one another, or as diverse individuals with unique abilities and personalities?
Do you perceive females as all being similar to one another, or as diverse individuals with unique abilities and personalities?

Which group would you like to see all of the individuals genuinely free and happy?
Where does that come from inside of you?
Do you really know where it comes from, or do you just think you do?

The answers are within. Happy hunting (or is it gathering?)