
Bias Is...

"Bias is like when I can't stand it when one person posts quotes or writings on their FB page, but I think another person is wise and cool when they do the exact same thing.

It's like the way I might "love" all the music, artwork, or poetry of one person, after I know what they look like, their race, and their sex, but I'll criticize or dismiss any creative things that another person does. 

When I assume that everything one person says and does is because they're "emotional and reactive", and everything another person says and does is because they're "logical and purposeful".

It's like when one relative "snaps" at people and everyone says "oh they're just in a bad mood because they had a bad day", but another relative says something in a snappy way and everyone says "oh here we go again!"

It's like when I assume that one person would be good at something or knowledgeable about something, and I assume another person wouldn't know anything about it.

It's like when everything one person says and does is witty and funny, but I project " they're just trying to get attention" onto another person.

It's like when I assume that one person couldn't learn or be capable of doing something, but I assume that another person could.

When I don't want to hear original thoughts, observations, or creative works from one person, but I take everything someone else says or does seriously. (If they put their own thoughts into quotes, I might take it seriously, but if they don't, I dismiss it.)

When I don't "like" a person without getting to know them, but I do "like" another person, without getting to know them, either.

Bias is not about the other people, or what they are, who they are, or what they're doing. It's from inside of US.