
Secret to the Secret

The Secret to the Secret is within the feeling of safety, sanctuary, confidence, gratitude, and enjoyment ~:)

Fear is a block, anxiety is a block, worry is a block, frustration, resentment, envy, shame, and hostility are blocks to manifestation.
Guilt is not shame, and is not a block, but shame can result if one does not take accountability for something that one feels guilt about.
Being accountable for one's actions and behaviors clear many of the blocks, along with gratitude; gratitude fuels the process of manifestation. So does appreciation of life force around us, (including bugs, spiders, reptiles, and humans, as well as plants and cute and cuddly animals; life force is life force, it's energy), and appreciation for the amazing beauty and abundance that surrounds us.

Controllers and abusers cause these feelings in others which prevents them from manifesting, achieving, and gaining.We cause ourselves these feelings as well, but usually because we've experienced fear and anxiety in the past.

A loop gets created in a person's mind and therefore life: One is worried about survival, whether it's physical or otherwise, therefore one puts more energy into worrying and anxiety, or fear, and one does not stay in the feeling of safety, confidence, and enjoyment. One's contemporaries are also in worry, anxiety and fear, and are therefore also not in the feeling of safety, confidence and enjoyment.

Being in this loop means a person may be doing things to calm or escape his or her worry, anxiety, and frustration, instead of doing things and being in the "place" where one would feel good, safe, and happy. When we are in the place of feeling safe, feeling clean (physically and conscience-wise), and feeling enjoyment for what we are doing, we are much more able to achieve one's little or big intentions, with or without manifestation.

 We can achieve this combination of rather pleasant, calm, and warm feelings, or rather remember, (almost all of us have felt this at several points throughout our lives) without the use of substances; in fact, since the "high" from a substance is always temporary, is from an external source, and does not actually cause the full impact of what we're looking for, it's more of a hindrance than a help. Also, substance use is usually accompanied by feelings that block and inhibit what we're looking for. So in achieving and remembering these feelings, we are much more likely to find them if we are "sober". We can find this "place" with any number of methods, but some of the easier ones are laughter (without malice or dark sarcasm), certain very soothing, mentally stimulating, and emotionally or spiritually uplifting music and songs, playing fun games with people whom we like and can trust, eating excellent food either by ourselves or with others, again whom we like and can really trust, things that help us get our minds out of worrying, and focused on the good thing that we are doing. We may want or need to mentally understand our anxiety issues, and what the root cause of our unsafe feelings is, and then teach ourselves how to feel safe.

When we are in the company of others who are also feeling safe, clean, and enjoying what they're doing, we are connected with their positive frequency and resonance, and the energy expands and increases. It does actually make a difference whose company we are keeping, whether it's personal or at work, and it makes a difference for others as well when they are keeping our company. There is no need to make drama about rejecting or shaming others, especially since that would inhibit the feelings we're looking for, it's simply good to remember what "RESONANCE" is, and how it applies to being in the company of others and in them being in our company (are we contributing to the atmosphere, or dampening it, and are they contributing or dampening? Remember it's not about shame or blame, both of those will dampen the energy, whether we apply them to ourselves or someone else.)

The Secret to the Secret is within the feeling of safety, sanctuary, confidence, gratitude, and enjoyment ~:)